
束 [Shu4 shu4]


汉字:束 / 拼音:Shu4 shu4

shù surname Shu
shù to bind/ bunch/ bundle/ classifier for bunches, bundles, beams of light etc/ to control


不加拘束不加拘束bu4 jia1 ju1 shu4unrestricted
光束光束guang1 shu4light beam
受约束受約束shou4 yue1 shu4restricted/ constrained
多束多束duo1 shu4multibeam (e.g. laser)
拘束拘束ju1 shu4to restrict/ to restrain/ constrained/ awkward/ ill at ease/ uncomfortable/ reticent
拘束衣拘束衣ju1 shu4 yi1straightjacket
收束收束shou1 shu4to constrict/ to draw tight/ to gather (one's thoughts)/ to bring to a close/ to pack (for a journey)
散束散束san4 shu4scattering of bundle (of electrons in vacuum tube)/ debunching
木骨都束木骨都束Mu4 gu3 du1 shu4Chinese name for African kingdom in Somalia, cf Mogadishu 摩加迪沙
未结束未結束wei4 jie2 shu4unfinished/ unresolved
Shu4surname Shu
shu4to bind/ bunch/ bundle/ classifier for bunches, bundles, beams of light etc/ to control
束之高阁束之高閣shu4 zhi1 gao1 ge2tied up in a bundle on a high shelf/ to put sth on the back burner/ no longer a high priority
束修束修shu4 xiu1see 束脩[shu4 xiu1]
束带束帶shu4 dai4band/ belt/ loincloth/ cummerbund
束手束手shu4 shou3to have one's hands tied/ helpless/ unable to do anything about it
束手就擒束手就擒shu4 shou3 jiu4 qin2hands tied and waiting to be captured
束手就毙束手就斃shu4 shou3 jiu4 bi4hands tied and expecting the worst
束手待毙束手待斃shu4 shou3 dai4 bi4to wait helplessly for death (idiom)/ to resign oneself to extinction
束手待死束手待死shu4 shou3 dai4 si3hands tied and expecting the worst
束手无策束手無策shu4 shou3 wu2 ce4lit. to have one's hands bound and be unable to do anything about it (idiom); fig. helpless in the face of a crisis
束狭束狹shu4 xia2narrow (of waterway)/ a bottleneck
束紧束緊shu4 jin3gird/ tighten
束线带束線帶shu4 xian4 dai4cable tie
束缚束縛shu4 fu4to bind/ to restrict/ to tie/ to commit/ fetters
束脩束脩shu4 xiu1payment for private tutor
束腰束腰shu4 yao1girdle
束腹束腹shu4 fu4corset/ girdle
束衣束衣shu4 yi1corset (clothing)
束装束裝shu4 zhuang1to bundle up (one's possessions for a journey)




2021-05-19, 464👍, 0💬