
未 [wei4]


汉字:未 / 拼音:wei4

wèi not yet/ did not/ have not/ not/ 8th earthly branch: 1-3 p.m., 6th solar month (7th July-6th August), year of the Sheep/ ancient Chinese compass point: 210°


一波未平,一波又起一波未平,一波又起yi1 bo1 wei4 ping2 , yi1 bo1 you4 qi3before the first wave subsides, a new wave rises (idiom); a new problem arises before the old is solved/ many twists and turns to a story/ one thing after another
丁未丁未ding1 wei4forty-fourth year D8 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1967 or 2027
乙未乙未yi3 wei4thirty-second year B8 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1955 or 2015
乳臭未干乳臭未乾ru3 xiu4 wei4 gan1smell of mother's milk not yet dried (idiom); immature and inexperienced/ still wet behind the ears
亘古未有亙古未有gen4 gu3 wei4 you3unprecedented/ never seen since ancient times
作者未详作者未詳zuo4 zhe3 wei4 xiang2anonymous author
兵马未动,粮草先行兵馬未動,糧草先行bing1 ma3 wei4 dong4 , liang2 cao3 xian1 xing2before the troops move, fodder and provisions go first (idiom); logistics comes before military maneuvers/ an army marches on its stomach
出师未捷身先死出師未捷身先死chu1 shi1 wei4 jie2 shen1 xian1 si3"he failed to complete his quest before death" (line from the poem "The Premier of Shu" 蜀相[Shu3 xiang4] by Du Fu 杜甫[Du4 Fu3])
利未记利未記Li4 wei4 ji4Book of Leviticus/ Third Book of Moses
前所未有前所未有qian2 suo3 wei4 you3unprecedented
前所未闻前所未聞qian2 suo3 wei4 wen2unheard-of/ unprecedented
前所未见前所未見qian2 suo3 wei4 jian4unprecedented/ never seen before
前缘未了前緣未了qian2 yuan2 wei4 liao3one's predestined fate is yet to be fulfilled (idiom)
前途未卜前途未卜qian2 tu2 wei4 bu3hanging in the balance/ the future is hard to forecast/ ¿Qué serà?/ who knows what the future holds?
力有未逮力有未逮li4 you3 wei4 dai4beyond one's reach or power (to do sth)
善有善报,恶有恶报,若然不报时晨未到善有善報,惡有惡報,若然不報時晨未到shan4 you3 shan4 bao4 , e4 you3 e4 bao4 , ruo4 ran2 bu4 bao4 shi2 chen2 wei4 dao4Good has its reward and evil has its recompense. The payback is just a matter of time
始料未及始料未及shi3 liao4 wei4 ji2not expected at the outset (idiom)/ unforeseen/ to be surprised by the turn of events
宝刀未老寶刀未老bao3 dao1 wei4 lao3treasure knife does not age (idiom); old but still vigorous
小时了了,大未必佳小時了了,大未必佳xiao3 shi2 liao3 liao3 , da4 wei4 bi4 jia1being bright at an early age does not necessarily bring success upon growing up (proverb)
尚未尚未shang4 wei4not yet/ still not
尚未解决尚未解決shang4 wei4 jie3 jue2unsolved/ as yet unsettled
己未己未ji3 wei4fifty-sixth year F8 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1979 or 2039
广播和未知服务器廣播和未知服務器guang3 bo1 he2 wei4 zhi1 fu2 wu4 qi4Broadcast and Unknown Server/ BUS
从未從未cong2 wei4never
意犹未尽意猶未盡yi4 you2 wei4 jin4to wish to continue sth/ to have not fully expressed oneself
悬而未决懸而未決xuan2 er2 wei4 jue2pending a decision/ hanging in the balance
方滋未艾方滋未艾fang1 zi1 wei4 ai4flourishing and still in the ascendant (idiom); rapidly expanding/ still growing strong/ on the up
方兴未已方興未已fang1 xing1 wei4 yi3flourishing and still in the ascendant (idiom); rapidly expanding/ still growing strong/ on the up
方兴未艾方興未艾fang1 xing1 wei4 ai4flourishing and still in the ascendant (idiom); rapidly expanding/ still growing strong/ on the up
时辰未到時辰未到shi2 chen5 wei4 dao4the time has not yet come




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