
斥 [chi4]


汉字:斥 / 拼音:chi4

chì to blame/ to reprove/ to reprimand/ to expel/ to oust/ to reconnoiter/ (of territory) to expand/ saline marsh


互斥互斥hu4 chi4mutually exclusive
充斥充斥chong1 chi4to be full of/ to flood/ to congest
同性相斥同性相斥tong2 xing4 xiang1 chi4like polarities repel each other/ (fig.) like repels like
呵斥呵斥he1 chi4to berate/ to excoriate/ to chide/ also written 喝斥[he1 chi4]
喝斥喝斥he1 chi4to berate/ to excoriate/ to chide/ also written 呵斥[he1 chi4]
嗔斥嗔斥chen1 chi4to rebuke/ to scold
严斥嚴斥yan2 chi4to scold/ to censure
弹斥彈斥tan2 chi4accuse and criticize
怒斥怒斥nu4 chi4to angrily rebuke/ to indignantly denounce
拒斥拒斥ju4 chi4to reject
指斥指斥zhi3 chi4to denounce/ to censure/ to rebuke
排斥排斥pai2 chi4to reject/ to exclude/ to eliminate/ to remove/ to repel
推斥推斥tui1 chi4repulsion/ repulsive force (physics)
推斥力推斥力tui1 chi4 li4repulsion/ repulsive force (physics)
挥斥揮斥hui1 chi4to chide/ to berate/ energetic
挥斥方遒揮斥方遒hui1 chi4 fang1 qiu2full of vim
摈斥擯斥bin4 chi4to reject/ to dismiss
chi4to blame/ to reprove/ to reprimand/ to expel/ to oust/ to reconnoiter/ (of territory) to expand/ saline marsh
斥候斥候chi4 hou4to reconnoiter/ to scout/ scout
斥力斥力chi4 li4repulsion (in electrostatics)/ repulsive force
斥骂斥罵chi4 ma4to scold
斥责斥責chi4 ze2to lash out/ to reprimand
斥资斥資chi4 zi1to spend/ to allocate funds
斥退斥退chi4 tui4to dismiss (from a post)/ to expel from school/ to order away (servants etc)
斥卤斥鹵chi4 lu3saline marsh/ salt
申斥申斥shen1 chi4to rebuke/ to blame/ to denounce
痛斥痛斥tong4 chi4to criticize harshly/ to denounce/ to attack viciously
相斥相斥xiang1 chi4mutual repulsion (e.g. electrostatic)/ to repel one another
训斥訓斥xun4 chi4to reprimand/ to rebuke/ to berate/ stern criticism
诃斥訶斥he1 chi4variant of 呵斥[he1 chi4]




2021-05-13, 374👍, 0💬