
击 [ji1]


汉字:击 / 拼音:ji1

to hit/ to strike/ to break/ Taiwan pr. [ji2]


一击入洞一擊入洞yi1 ji1 ru4 dong4hole in one (golf)
不堪一击不堪一擊bu4 kan1 yi1 ji1to be unable to withstand a single blow/ to collapse at the first blow
乘胜追击乘勝追擊cheng2 sheng4 zhui1 ji1to follow up a victory and press home the attack/ to pursue retreating enemy
人身攻击人身攻擊ren2 shen1 gong1 ji1personal attack
以卵击石以卵擊石yi3 luan3 ji1 shi2lit. to strike a stone with egg (idiom); to attempt the impossible/ to invite disaster by overreaching oneself
伏击伏擊fu2 ji1ambush/ to ambush
出击出擊chu1 ji1to sally/ to attack
反击反擊fan3 ji1to strike back/ to beat back/ to counterattack
合击合擊he2 ji1combined assault/ to mount a joint attack
单击單擊dan1 ji1to click (using a mouse or other pointing device)
严厉打击嚴厲打擊yan2 li4 da3 ji1to strike a severe blow/ to crack down/ to take strong measures
回击回擊hui2 ji1to fight back/ to return fire/ to counterattack
围击圍擊wei2 ji1to besiege
堵击堵擊du3 ji1to intercept and attack (military)
大肆攻击大肆攻擊da4 si4 gong1 ji1to vilify sb wantonly/ unrestrained attack (on sb)
夹击夾擊jia1 ji1pincer attack/ attack from two or more sides/ converging attack/ attack on a flank/ fork in chess, with one piece making two attacks
射击射擊she4 ji1to shoot/ to fire (a gun)
射击学射擊學she4 ji1 xue2ballistics
对空射击對空射擊dui4 kong1 she4 ji1anti-aircraft fire/ to shoot at enemy planes
尾击尾擊wei3 ji1attack from the rear
恐怖袭击恐怖襲擊kong3 bu4 xi2 ji1terrorist attack
截击截擊jie2 ji1to intercept (military)
打击打擊da3 ji1to hit/ to strike/ to attack/ to crack down on sth/ blow/ (psychological) shock/ percussion (music)
打击报复打擊報復da3 ji1 bao4 fu4to retaliate
打击乐器打擊樂器da3 ji1 yue4 qi4percussion instrument
打击率打擊率da3 ji1 lu:4batting average (baseball etc)
打击社会财富打擊社會財富da3 ji1 she4 hui4 cai2 fu4countervalue
打击军事力量打擊軍事力量da3 ji1 jun1 shi4 li4 liang5counterforce
打游击打游擊da3 you2 ji1to fight as a guerilla/ (fig.) to live or eat at no fixed place
扣击扣擊kou4 ji1to smash a ball




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