
搶 [qiang1 qiang3]


汉字:搶 / 拼音:qiang1 qiang3

qiāng see 搶風|抢风[qiang1 feng1]
qiǎng to fight over/ to rush/ to scramble/ to grab/ to rob/ to snatch


哄抢哄搶hong1 qiang3looting
域名抢注域名搶注yu4 ming2 qiang3 zhu4cybersquatting/ domain squatting
拼抢拼搶pin1 qiang3to fight desperately (at the risk of one's life)
持枪抢劫持槍搶劫chi2 qiang1 qiang1 jie2armed robbery
qiang1see 搶風|抢风[qiang1 feng1]
qiang3to fight over/ to rush/ to scramble/ to grab/ to rob/ to snatch
抢占搶佔qiang3 zhan4to seize (the strategic high ground)
抢修搶修qiang3 xiu1to repair in a rush/ rush repairs
抢先搶先qiang3 xian1to rush (to do sth urgent)/ to try to be the first/ to forestall
抢劫搶劫qiang3 jie2to rob/ looting
抢劫案搶劫案qiang3 jie2 an4robbery/ holdup
抢劫罪搶劫罪qiang1 jie2 zui4robbery
抢夺搶奪qiang3 duo2to plunder/ to pillage/ to forcibly take
抢婚搶婚qiang3 hun1marriage by capture/ bride kidnapping
抢手搶手qiang3 shou3(of goods) popular/ in great demand
抢手货搶手貨qiang3 shou3 huo4a best-seller/ a hot property
抢掠搶掠qiang3 lu:e4to loot/ looting
抢救搶救qiang3 jiu4to rescue
抢滩搶灘qiang3 tan1to make an amphibious assault/ to seize a beachhead/ to gain a foothold in (a new market)
抢生意搶生意qiang3 sheng1 yi5to undercut competitors/ to hustle/ to compete for business
抢白搶白qiang3 bai2to rebuke/ to reprimand
抢眼搶眼qiang3 yan3eye-catching
抢答搶答qiang3 da2to compete to be the first to answer a question (as on a quiz show)
抢答器搶答器qiang3 da2 qi4lockout buzzer system (as used by game show contestants)
抢亲搶親qiang3 qin1marriage by capture/ bride kidnapping
抢购搶購qiang3 gou4to buy frenetically/ to snap up (bargains, dwindling supplies etc)
抢走搶走qiang3 zou3to snatch (esp related to a robbery)
抢跑搶跑qiang3 pao3to jump the gun/ to make a false start
抢通搶通qiang3 tong1to rush through urgently (e.g. emergency supplies)
抢镜头搶鏡頭qiang3 jing4 tou2to scoop the best camera shots/ to grab the limelight




2021-05-31, 409👍, 0💬