
描 [miao2]


汉字:描 / 拼音:miao2

miáo to depict/ to trace (a drawing)/ to copy/ to touch up


人物描写人物描寫ren2 wu4 miao2 xie3portrayal
回描回描hui2 miao2flyback (of electron beam in cathode ray tube)/ retrace
愈描愈黑愈描愈黑yu4 miao2 yu4 hei1see 越描越黑[yue4 miao2 yue4 hei1]
扫描掃描sao3 miao2to scan
扫描仪掃描儀sao3 miao2 yi2scanner (device)
扫描器掃描器sao3 miao2 qi4scanner
miao2to depict/ to trace (a drawing)/ to copy/ to touch up
描图描圖miao2 tu2to trace
描写描寫miao2 xie3to describe/ to depict/ to portray/ description
描摹描摹miao2 mo2to trace over/ to take a copy (of a calligraphy, a painting etc)/ (fig.) to describe/ to portray
描画描畫miao2 hua4to draw/ to describe
描红描紅miao2 hong2to trace over red characters (as a method of learning to write)
描绘描繪miao2 hui4to describe/ to portray
描述描述miao2 shu4to describe/ description
描金描金miao2 jin1to outline in gold
数码扫描數碼掃描shu4 ma3 sao3 miao2a digital scan
白描白描bai2 miao2line drawing in traditional ink and brush style/ simple and straightforward style of writing
素描素描su4 miao2sketch
超声扫描超聲掃描chao1 sheng1 sao3 miao2ultrasonic scan
越描越黑越描越黑yue4 miao2 yue4 hei1lit. the more you touch things up, the darker they get/ fig. to only make matters worse
轻描淡写輕描淡寫qing1 miao2 dan4 xie3to sketch in light shades/ to play down/ to deemphasize (idiom)
逐行扫描逐行掃描zhu2 hang2 sao3 miao2line by line scanning/ progressive scanning
隔行扫描隔行掃描ge2 hang2 sao3 miao2interlaced scanning
电脑断层扫描電腦斷層掃描dian4 nao3 duan4 ceng2 sao3 miao2CAT scan/ CT scan



2021-05-18, 402👍, 0💬