持 [chi2]
汉字:持 / 拼音:chi2
持 | |||
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简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
主持 | 主持 | zhu3 chi2 | to take charge of/ to manage or direct/ to preside over/ to uphold/ to stand for (justice etc)/ to host (a TV or radio program etc)/ (TV) anchor |
主持人 | 主持人 | zhu3 chi2 ren2 | TV or radio presenter/ host/ anchor |
住持 | 住持 | zhu4 chi2 | to administer a monastery Buddhist or Daoist/ abbot/ head monk |
保持 | 保持 | bao3 chi2 | to keep/ to maintain/ to hold/ to preserve |
保持克制 | 保持克制 | bao3 chi2 ke4 zhi4 | to exercise restraint |
保持原貌 | 保持原貌 | bao3 chi2 yuan2 mao4 | to preserve the original form |
僵持 | 僵持 | jiang1 chi2 | to be deadlocked |
免持 | 免持 | mian3 chi2 | (Tw) hands-free (telephone function) |
劫持 | 劫持 | jie2 chi2 | to kidnap/ to hijack/ to abduct/ to hold under duress |
劫持者 | 劫持者 | jie2 chi2 zhe3 | hijacker/ kidnapper |
勤俭持家 | 勤儉持家 | qin2 jian3 chi2 jia1 | hardworking and thrifty in running one's household |
危而不持 | 危而不持 | wei1 er2 bu4 chi2 | national danger, but no support (idiom, from Analects); the future of the nation is at stake but no-one comes to the rescue |
受持 | 受持 | shou4 chi2 | to accept and maintain faith (Buddhism) |
可持续 | 可持續 | ke3 chi2 xu4 | sustainable |
可持续发展 | 可持續發展 | ke3 chi2 xu4 fa1 zhan3 | sustainable development |
各持己见 | 各持己見 | ge4 chi2 ji3 jian4 | each sticks to his own opinion (idiom); chacun son gout |
同侪扶持 | 同儕扶持 | tong2 chai2 fu2 chi2 | peer support |
坚持 | 堅持 | jian1 chi2 | to persevere with/ to persist in/ to insist on |
坚持下去 | 堅持下去 | jian1 chi2 xia4 qu4 | to press on |
坚持不懈 | 堅持不懈 | jian1 chi2 bu4 xie4 | to persevere unremittingly (idiom); to keep going until the end |
坚持不渝 | 堅持不渝 | jian1 chi2 bu4 yu2 | to stick to sth without change (idiom); to persevere |
多种语言支持 | 多種語言支持 | duo1 zhong3 yu3 yan2 zhi1 chi2 | multilingual support |
夹持 | 夾持 | jia1 chi2 | to clamp/ tongs |
扶持 | 扶持 | fu2 chi2 | to help/ to assist |
把持 | 把持 | ba3 chi2 | to control/ to dominate/ to monopolize |
把持不定 | 把持不定 | ba3 chi2 bu4 ding4 | indecisive (idiom) |
抱持 | 抱持 | bao4 chi2 | to hold (expectations, hopes etc)/ to maintain (an attitude etc)/ to harbor (doubts etc)/ to clinch (boxing) |
持 | 持 | chi2 | to hold/ to grasp/ to support/ to maintain/ to persevere/ to manage/ to run (i.e. administer)/ to control |
持不同政见 | 持不同政見 | chi2 bu4 tong2 zheng4 jian4 | (politically) dissenting/ dissident |
持不同政见者 | 持不同政見者 | chi2 bu4 tong2 zheng4 jian4 zhe3 | (political) dissident |
2021-04-22, 486👍, 0💬
简体:□ / 繁体:□ / 拼音:biang4
简体:锦囊 / 繁体:锦囊 / 拼音:jin3 nang2
简体:瘸帮 / 繁体:瘸帮 / 拼音:Que2 bang1
简体:挝 / 繁体:挝 / 拼音:zhua1
简体:凰 / 繁体:凰 / 拼音:huang2