抱 [bao4]
汉字:抱 / 拼音:bao4
抱 | |||
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简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
公主抱 | 公主抱 | gong1 zhu3 bao4 | to carry sb the way grooms carry brides across the threshold |
合抱 | 合抱 | he2 bao4 | to wrap one's arm around (used to describe the girth of a tree trunk) |
平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚 | 平時不燒香,臨時抱佛腳 | ping2 shi2 bu4 shao1 xiang1 , lin2 shi2 bao4 fo2 jiao3 | lit. to clasp the Buddha's feet when danger arises (idiom); fig. to profess devotion only when in trouble/ doing things at the last minute/ to make a hasty last-minute effort (often refers to cramming for exams) |
怀抱 | 懷抱 | huai2 bao4 | to hug/ to cherish/ within the bosom (of the family)/ to embrace (also fig. an ideal, aspiration etc) |
打抱不平 | 打抱不平 | da3 bao4 bu4 ping2 | to come to the aid of sb suffering an injustice/ to fight for justice/ also written 抱打不平[bao4 da3 bu4 ping2] |
投怀送抱 | 投懷送抱 | tou2 huai2 song4 bao4 | to throw oneself in sb's arms/ to throw oneself at sb |
抱 | 抱 | bao4 | to hold/ to carry (in one's arms)/ to hug/ to embrace/ to surround/ to cherish |
抱不平 | 抱不平 | bao4 bu4 ping2 | to be outraged by an injustice |
抱佛脚 | 抱佛腳 | bao4 fo2 jiao3 | lit. to clasp the Buddha's feet (without ever having burned incense) (idiom); fig. to profess devotion only when in trouble/ panic measures in place of timely preparation |
抱大腿 | 抱大腿 | bao4 da4 tui3 | (coll.) to cling to sb influential or famous |
抱定 | 抱定 | bao4 ding4 | to hold on firmly/ to cling (to a belief)/ stubbornly |
抱屈 | 抱屈 | bao4 qu1 | feel wronged |
抱怨 | 抱怨 | bao4 yuan4 | to complain/ to grumble/ to harbor a complaint/ to feel dissatisfied |
抱恨 | 抱恨 | bao4 hen4 | to have a gnawing regret |
抱愧 | 抱愧 | bao4 kui4 | feel ashamed |
抱成一团 | 抱成一團 | bao4 cheng2 yi1 tuan2 | to band together/ to gang up/ to stick together |
抱打不平 | 抱打不平 | bao4 da3 bu4 ping2 | see 打抱不平[da3 bao4 bu4 ping2] |
抱抱 | 抱抱 | bao4 bao4 | to hug/ to embrace |
抱抱团 | 抱抱團 | bao4 bao4 tuan2 | Free Hugs Campaign |
抱抱装 | 抱抱裝 | bao4 bao4 zhuang1 | "hug shirt" worn by members of the Free Hugs Campaign (see 包包團|包包团[bao1 bao1 tuan2]) |
抱拳 | 抱拳 | bao4 quan2 | to cup one fist in the other hand (as a sign of respect) |
抱持 | 抱持 | bao4 chi2 | to hold (expectations, hopes etc)/ to maintain (an attitude etc)/ to harbor (doubts etc)/ to clinch (boxing) |
抱摔 | 抱摔 | bao4 shuai1 | body slam (wrestling move) |
抱有 | 抱有 | bao4 you3 | have/ possess |
抱枕 | 抱枕 | bao4 zhen3 | bolster/ a long pillow or cushion |
抱朴子 | 抱樸子 | Bao4 pu3 zi3 | Baopuzi, collection of essays by Ge Hong 葛洪[Ge3 Hong2] on alchemy, immortality, legalism, society etc |
抱歉 | 抱歉 | bao4 qian4 | to be sorry/ to feel apologetic/ sorry! |
抱残守缺 | 抱殘守缺 | bao4 can2 shou3 que1 | to cherish the outmoded and preserve the outworn (idiom); conservative/ stickler for tradition |
抱犊崮 | 抱犢崮 | Bao4 du2 gu4 | Mt Baodu in Cangshan county 蒼山縣|苍山县[Cang1 shan1 xian4], Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi2], south Shandong |
抱病 | 抱病 | bao4 bing4 | to be ill/ to be in bad health |
2021-05-24, 535👍, 0💬
简体:携手 / 繁体:携手 / 拼音:xie2 shou3
简体:蹩 / 繁体:蹩 / 拼音:bie2
简体:嘱托 / 繁体:嘱托 / 拼音:zhu3 tuo1
简体:焗油 / 繁体:焗油 / 拼音:ju2 you2
简体:朴 / 繁体:朴 / 拼音:Piao2