
憤 [fen4]


汉字:憤 / 拼音:fen4

fèn indignant/ anger/ resentment


不愤不启不憤不啟bu4 fen4 bu4 qi3a student shall not be enlightened until he has tried hard by himself (idiom)
公愤公憤gong1 fen4public anger/ popular indignation
怨愤怨憤yuan4 fen4resentment and indignation
悲愤悲憤bei1 fen4grief and indignation
感愤感憤gan3 fen4moved to anger/ indignant
fen4indignant/ anger/ resentment
愤世嫉俗憤世嫉俗fen4 shi4 ji2 su2to be cynical/ to be embittered
愤富憤富fen4 fu4to hate the rich
愤怒憤怒fen4 nu4angry/ indignant/ wrath/ ire
愤恨憤恨fen4 hen4to hate/ hatred/ to resent/ embittered
愤慨憤慨fen4 kai3to resent/ resentment
愤愤憤憤fen4 fen4extremely angry
愤愤不平憤憤不平fen4 fen4 bu4 ping2to feel indignant/ to feel aggrieved
愤懑憤懣fen4 men4depressed/ resentful/ discontented/ indignant/ perturbed
愤激憤激fen4 ji1indignant/ outraged
愤然憤然fen4 ran2(literary) angry/ irate
愤青憤青fen4 qing1angry youth – highly nationalistic young Chinese people (abbr. for 憤怒青年|愤怒青年[feng4 nu4 qing1 nian2]) (neologism c. 1970s)
气愤氣憤qi4 fen4indignant/ furious
泄愤洩憤xie4 fen4to give vent to anger
泄私愤洩私憤xie4 si1 fen4to vent personal spite/ to act out of malice (esp. of crime)
激愤激憤ji1 fen4to stir up emotions/ furious/ angry/ anger
发愤發憤fa1 fen4to make a determined effort
发愤图强發憤圖強fa1 fen4 tu2 qiang2to be strongly determined to succeed (idiom)
发愤忘食發憤忘食fa1 fen4 wang4 shi2so dedicated as to forget one's meals (idiom)
私愤私憤si1 fen4personal spite/ malice
积愤積憤ji1 fen4accumulated anger/ pent-up fury
羞愤羞憤xiu1 fen4ashamed and resentful/ indignant
义愤義憤yi4 fen4righteous indignation/ moral indignation
义愤填胸義憤填胸yi4 fen4 tian2 xiong1righteous indignation fills one's breast (idiom); to feel indignant at injustice
义愤填膺義憤填膺yi4 fen4 tian2 ying1righteous indignation fills one's breast (idiom); to feel indignant at injustice



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