
患 [huan4]


汉字:患 / 拼音:huan4

huàn to suffer (from illness)/ to contract (a disease)/ misfortune/ trouble/ danger/ worry


不患寡而患不均不患寡而患不均bu4 huan4 gua3 er2 huan4 bu4 jun1do not worry about scarcity, but rather about uneven distribution (idiom, from Analects)
人满为患人滿為患ren2 man3 wei2 huan4packed with people/ overcrowded/ overpopulation
人畜共患症人畜共患症ren2 chu4 gong4 huan4 zheng4zoonosis
伤患傷患shang1 huan4injured person
内忧外患內憂外患nei4 you1 wai4 huan4internal trouble and outside aggression (idiom); in a mess both domestically and abroad
可共患难可共患難ke3 gong4 huan4 nan4to go through thick and thin together (idiom)
外患外患wai4 huan4foreign aggression
姑息遗患姑息遺患gu1 xi1 yi2 huan4to tolerate is to abet
后患无穷後患無窮hou4 huan4 wu2 qiong2it will cause no end of trouble (idiom)
心腹之患心腹之患xin1 fu4 zhi1 huan4lit. calamity within one's bosom (idiom); major trouble hidden within
心脏疾患心臟疾患xin1 zang4 ji2 huan4heart disease
huan4to suffer (from illness)/ to contract (a disease)/ misfortune/ trouble/ danger/ worry
患儿患兒huan4 er2child victim of disaster or disease/ afflicted child
患得患失患得患失huan4 de2 huan4 shi1to worry about personal gains and losses
患晚期患晚期huan4 wan3 qi1terminal stage (of illness)
患有患有huan4 you3to contract (an illness)/ to be afflicted with/ to suffer from
患病患病huan4 bing4to fall ill
患病者患病者huan4 bing4 zhe3person suffering (from a disease or poisoning)/ a patient
患者患者huan4 zhe3patient/ sufferer
患处患處huan4 chu4afflicted part
患难患難huan4 nan4trials and tribulations
患难之交患難之交huan4 nan4 zhi1 jiao1a friend in times of tribulations (idiom); a friend in need is a friend indeed
患难见真情患難見真情huan4 nan4 jian4 zhen1 qing2true sentiments are seen in hard times (idiom)/ you see who your true friends are when you go through tough times together/ you see who your true friends are when you are in difficulties
忧患憂患you1 huan4suffering/ misery/ hardship
打蛇不死,后患无穷打蛇不死,後患無窮da3 she2 bu4 si3 , hou4 huan4 wu2 qiong2if you beat the snake without killing it, endless evils will ensue (idiom)
有备无患有備無患you3 bei4 wu2 huan4Preparedness averts peril./ to be prepared, just in case (idiom)
欲加之罪,何患无辞欲加之罪,何患無辭yu4 jia1 zhi1 zui4 , he2 huan4 wu2 ci2If you want to condemn sb, don't worry about the pretext (idiom, from Zuozhuan 左傳|左传); one can always trump up a charge against sb/ Give a dog a bad name, then hang him.
水患水患shui3 huan4flooding/ water disaster
无患子無患子wu2 huan4 zi3Sapindales/ order of scented bushes and trees, includes citrus fruit and lychee
生于忧患,死于安乐生於憂患,死於安樂sheng1 yu2 you1 huan4 , si3 yu2 an1 le4to thrive in calamity and perish in soft living (idiom)/ life springs from sorrow and calamity, death comes from ease and pleasure




2021-04-26, 483👍, 0💬