
悔 [hui3]


汉字:悔 / 拼音:hui3

huǐ to regret


仟悔仟悔qian1 hui3repentance (in Christianity)
反悔反悔fan3 hui3to renege/ to go back (on a deal)/ to back out (of a promise)
吃后悔药吃後悔藥chi1 hou4 hui3 yao4(fig.) to regret (doing sth)
失悔失悔shi1 hui3to regret/ to feel remorse
后悔後悔hou4 hui3to regret/ to repent
后悔不迭後悔不迭hou4 hui3 bu4 die2too late for regrets
后悔莫及後悔莫及hou4 hui3 mo4 ji2too late for regrets (idiom); It is useless to repent after the event.
hui3to regret
悔不当初悔不當初hui3 bu4 dang1 chu1to regret one's past deeds (idiom)
悔之已晚悔之已晚hui3 zhi1 yi3 wan3too late to be sorry
悔之无及悔之無及hui3 zhi1 wu2 ji2too late for regrets (idiom); It is useless to repent after the event.
悔婚悔婚hui3 hun1to break a promise of marriage
悔恨悔恨hui3 hen4remorse/ repentance
悔恨交加悔恨交加hui3 hen4 jiao1 jia1to feel remorse and shame (idiom)
悔悟悔悟hui3 wu4to repent
悔意悔意hui3 yi4remorse
悔改悔改hui3 gai3to repent/ repentance
悔棋悔棋hui3 qi2to withdraw a move (chess)
悔罪悔罪hui3 zui4conviction
悔过悔過hui3 guo4to regret/ to repent
悔过书悔過書hui3 guo4 shu1written repentance
悔过自新悔過自新hui3 guo4 zi4 xin1to repent and start afresh (idiom); to turn over a new leaf
愧悔无地愧悔無地kui4 hui3 wu2 di4ashamed and unable to show one's face (idiom)
懊悔懊悔ao4 hui3to feel remorse/ to repent/ to regret
忏悔懺悔chan4 hui3to confess/ to repent/ remorse/ repentance/ penitent/ confession (Buddhism)
改悔改悔gai3 hui3to mend one's ways
死不改悔死不改悔si3 bu4 gai3 hui3not to repent even facing death (idiom)/ unrepentant/ very obstinate
死而无悔死而無悔si3 er2 wu2 hui3to die without regret (idiom, from Analects)
无怨无悔無怨無悔wu2 yuan4 wu2 hui3no complaints/ to have no regrets
无悔無悔wu2 hui3to have no regrets




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