
迫 [po4]


汉字:迫 / 拼音:po4

variant of 迫[po4]/ to persecute/ to oppress/ embarrassed


交迫交迫jiao1 po4to be beleaguered
切迫切迫qie4 po4urgent
危迫危迫wei1 po4urgent/ pressing danger
压迫壓迫ya1 po4to oppress/ to repress/ to constrict/ oppression/ stress (physics)
威迫威迫wei1 po4coercion/ to intimidate
po4variant of 迫[po4]/ to persecute/ to oppress/ embarrassed
强迫強迫qiang3 po4to compel/ to force
强迫劳动強迫勞動qiang3 po4 lao2 dong4forced labor (as punishment in criminal case)
强迫性強迫性qiang3 po4 xing4compulsive/ obsessive
强迫性储物症強迫性儲物症qiang3 po4 xing4 chu3 wu4 zheng4compulsive hoarding
强迫性性行为強迫性性行為qiang3 po4 xing4 xing4 xing2 wei2sexual obsession
强迫症強迫症qiang3 po4 zheng4obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
强迫观念強迫觀念qiang3 po4 guan1 nian4compelling notion/ obsession
从容不迫從容不迫cong2 rong2 bu4 po4calm/ unruffled
急迫急迫ji2 po4urgent/ pressing/ imperative
窘迫窘迫jiong3 po4poverty-stricken/ very poor/ hard-pressed/ in a predicament/ embarrassed
紧迫緊迫jin3 po4pressing/ urgent
紧迫盯人緊迫盯人jin3 po4 ding1 ren2to keep a close eye on sb (idiom)
胁迫脅迫xie2 po4to coerce/ to compel/ to force
被迫被迫bei4 po4to be compelled/ to be forced
贫病交迫貧病交迫pin2 bing4 jiao1 po4beset by poverty and illness (idiom)
po4to force/ to compel/ to approach or go towards/ urgent/ pressing
迫不及待迫不及待po4 bu4 ji2 dai4impatient (idiom); in a hurry/ itching to get on with it
迫不得已迫不得已po4 bu4 de2 yi3to have no alternative (idiom); compelled by circumstances/ forced into sth
迫令迫令po4 ling4to order/ to force
迫使迫使po4 shi3to force/ to compel
迫供迫供po4 gong4to extort a confession/ Taiwan pr. [po4 gong1]
迫促迫促po4 cu4to urge/ urgent/ pressing
迫切迫切po4 qie4urgent/ pressing
迫切性迫切性po4 qie4 xing4urgency




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