
厅 [ting1]


汉字:厅 / 拼音:ting1

tīng (reception) hall/ living room/ office/ provincial government department


一房一厅一房一廳yi1 fang2 yi1 ting1one bedroom and one living room
中共中央办公厅中共中央辦公廳Zhong1 Gong4 Zhong1 yang1 Ban4 gong1 ting1General Office of the Central Committee of the CCP, responsible for technical and logistical matters relating to the Central Committee/ abbr. to 中辦|中办[Zhong1 Ban4]
中厅中廳zhong1 ting1lobby/ foyer/ CL:間|间[jian1]
主厅主廳zhu3 ting1main lobby
候机厅候機廳hou4 ji1 ting1airport lounge
做厅长做廳長zuo4 ting1 zhang3(jocularly) to sleep on the couch/ to sleep in the living room
出港大厅出港大廳chu1 gang3 da4 ting1departure lounge
到达大厅到達大廳dao4 da2 da4 ting1arrival hall
前厅前廳qian2 ting1anteroom/ vestibule/ lobby (of a hotel etc)
咖啡厅咖啡廳ka1 fei1 ting1coffee shop
售票大厅售票大廳shou4 piao4 da4 ting1ticket office
啡厅啡廳fei1 ting1see 咖啡廳|咖啡厅[ka1 fei1 ting1]
大厅大廳da4 ting1hall/ lounge
官厅水库官廳水庫Guan1 ting1 Shui3 ku4Guanting or Kuan-ting Reservoir in Hebei, one of the main water reservoirs serving Beijing
客厅客廳ke4 ting1drawing room (room for arriving guests)/ living room/ CL:間|间[jian1]
宴会厅宴會廳yan4 hui4 ting1ballroom/ banqueting hall
市政厅市政廳shi4 zheng4 ting1city hall
ting1(reception) hall/ living room/ office/ provincial government department
厅堂廳堂ting1 tang2hall
厅长廳長ting1 zhang3head of provincial PRC government department
会议厅會議廳hui4 yi4 ting1conference hall
歌厅歌廳ge1 ting1karaoke hall/ singing hall (venue for concerts of popular songs)
民政厅民政廳min2 zheng4 ting1provincial department of civil affairs
气象厅氣象廳qi4 xiang4 ting1meteorological office
牛排餐厅牛排餐廳niu2 pai2 can1 ting1steakhouse/ chophouse
理发厅理髮廳li3 fa4 ting1(Tw) barbershop/ hairdresser's/ CL:家[jia1]
环保厅環保廳huan2 bao3 ting1(provincial) department of environmental protection
白厅白廳Bai2 ting1Whitehall
舞厅舞廳wu3 ting1dance hall/ ballroom/ CL:間|间[jian1]
舞厅舞舞廳舞wu3 ting1 wu3ballroom dancing




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