
庙 [miao4]


汉字:庙 / 拼音:miao4

miào temple/ ancestral shrine/ CL:座[zuo4]/ temple fair/ great imperial hall/ imperial
异体 庿


伊瑞克提翁庙伊瑞克提翁廟Yi1 rui4 ke4 ti2 weng1 miao4the Erechteum, Athens
喇嘛庙喇嘛廟la3 ma5 miao4lamasery/ temple of Tibetan Buddhism
大水冲了龙王庙大水沖了龍王廟da4 shui3 chong1 le5 Long2 wang2 miao4lit. surging waters flooded the Dragon King temple (idiom)/ fig. to fail to recognize a familiar person/ a dispute between close people who fail to recognize each other
娘娘庙娘娘廟Niang2 niang2 miao4temple of Goddess of Fertility
孔庙孔廟Kong3 miao4Confucian temple
宗庙宗廟zong1 miao4temple/ ancestral shrine
宁拆十座庙,不毁一桩婚寧拆十座廟,不毀一樁婚ning2 chai1 shi2 zuo4 miao4 , bu4 hui4 yi1 zhuang1 hun1rather destroy ten temples than a single marriage (idiom)
寺庙寺廟si4 miao4temple/ monastery/ shrine
岱庙岱廟Dai4 miao4Dai Temple, a temple in Shandong for the god of Mount Tai
帕台农神庙帕台農神廟Pa4 tai2 nong2 Shen2 miao4Parthenon Temple on the Acropolis, Athens
帕德嫩神庙帕德嫩神廟Pa4 de2 nen4 Shen2 miao4Parthenon Temple on the Acropolis, Athens (Tw)
帕提侬神庙帕提儂神廟pa4 ti2 nong2 shen2 miao4the Parthenon, Athens
廊庙廊廟lang2 miao4imperial court
miao4temple/ ancestral shrine/ CL:座[zuo4]/ temple fair/ great imperial hall/ imperial
庙主廟主miao4 zhu3head priest of a temple
庙口廟口Miao4 kou3Miaokou, market district in Keelung, Taiwan
庙堂廟堂miao4 tang2imperial ancestral temple/ imperial court/ temple
庙塔廟塔miao4 ta3temples and pagodas
庙宇廟宇miao4 yu3temple
庙会廟會miao4 hui4temple fair
庙祝廟祝miao4 zhu4acolyte in charge of incense in a temple
庙号廟號miao4 hao4temple name of a deceased Chinese emperor
曲阜孔庙曲阜孔廟Qu1 fu4 Kong3 miao4temple to Confucius in his hometown Qufu
洪庙村洪廟村Hong2 miao4 cun1Hongmiao village in Mudan District 牡丹區|牡丹区[Mu3 dan5 Qu1] of Heze City, Shandong
琉璃庙琉璃廟Liu2 li2 miao4Liulimiao town in Beijing municipality
神庙神廟shen2 miao4temple
祠庙祠廟ci2 miao4ancestral hall/ temple to one's forebears
圣庙聖廟sheng4 miao4shrine to a sage (esp. Confucius)
跑了和尚跑不了庙跑了和尚跑不了廟pao3 le5 he2 shang4 pao3 bu4 liao3 miao4the monk can run away, but the temple won't run with him (idiom)/ you can run this time, but you'll have to come back/ I'll get you sooner or later/ also written 跑得了和尚,跑不了廟|跑得了和尚,跑不了庙[pao3 de2 liao3 he2 shang4 , pao3 bu4 liao3 miao4]
跑得了和尚,跑不了庙跑得了和尚,跑不了廟pao3 de2 liao3 he2 shang4 , pao3 bu4 liao3 miao4the monk can run away, but the temple won't run with him (idiom)/ you can run this time, but you'll have to come back/ I'll get you sooner or later




2021-05-21, 540👍, 0💬