
幫 [bang1]


汉字:幫 / 拼音:bang1

bāng to help/ to assist/ to support/ for sb (i.e. as a help)/ hired (as worker)/ side (of pail, boat etc)/ outer layer/ upper (of a shoe)/ group/ gang/ clique/ party/ secret society


丐帮丐幫gai4 bang1beggars' union/ a group of beggars
中帮中幫zhong1 bang1mid-top (shoes)
低帮低幫di1 bang1low-top (shoes)
传帮带傳幫帶chuan2 bang1 dai4to pass on experience (to the next generation)
匪帮匪幫fei3 bang1gang of bandits/ criminal gang (formerly often used of political opponents)
四人帮四人幫si4 ren2 bang1Gang of Four: Jiang Qing 江青, Zhang Chunqiao 張春橋, Yao Wenyuan 姚文元, Wang Hongwen 王洪文, who served as scapegoats for the excesses of the cultural revolution
bang1to help/ to assist/ to support/ for sb (i.e. as a help)/ hired (as worker)/ side (of pail, boat etc)/ outer layer/ upper (of a shoe)/ group/ gang/ clique/ party/ secret society
帮倒忙幫倒忙bang1 dao4 mang2to be more of a hindrance than a help
帮佣幫傭bang1 yong1servant/ domestic help
帮凶幫兇bang1 xiong1variant of 幫凶|帮凶[bang1 xiong1]
帮凶幫凶bang1 xiong1accomplice/ accessory
帮助幫助bang1 zhu4assistance/ aid/ to help/ to assist
帮同幫同bang1 tong2to help (sb do sth)/ to assist (sb in doing sth)
帮子幫子bang1 zi5outer (of cabbage etc)/ upper (of a shoe)/ (coll.) group/ gang
帮宝适幫寶適Bang1 bao3 shi4(brand) Pampers
帮工幫工bang1 gong1to help with farm work/ casual laborer
帮帮忙幫幫忙bang1 bang5 mang2to help/ to do a favor/ (Shanghainese) Come on!/ Give me a break!
帮厨幫廚bang1 chu2help in the mess kitchen
帮忙幫忙bang1 mang2to help/ to lend a hand/ to do a favor/ to do a good turn
帮手幫手bang1 shou3helper/ assistant
帮教幫教bang1 jiao4to mentor
帮会幫會bang1 hui4secret society/ underworld gang
帮派幫派bang1 pai4gang/ faction
帮浦幫浦bang1 pu3pump (loanword)
帮腔幫腔bang1 qiang1vocal accompaniment in some traditional Chinese operas/ to speak in support of/ to chime in
帮衬幫襯bang1 chen4to help/ to assist financially
帮办幫辦bang1 ban4assist in managing/ deputy
帮闲幫閑bang1 xian2to hang on to and serve the rich and powerful by literary hack work etc
搭帮搭幫da1 bang1to travel together/ thanks to
有帮助有幫助you3 bang1 zhu4helpful




2021-05-17, 362👍, 0💬