
壇 [tan2]


汉字:壇 / 拼音:tan2

tán platform/ rostrum/ altar


世界经济论坛世界經濟論壇Shi4 jie4 Jing1 ji4 Lun4 tan2World Economic Forum
剧坛劇壇ju4 tan2the world of Chinese opera/ theatrical circles
博鳌亚洲论坛博鰲亞洲論壇Bo2 ao2 Ya4 zhou1 Lun4 tan2Bo'ao Forum for Asia (since 2001)
国际先驱论坛报國際先驅論壇報Guo2 ji4 Xian1 qu1 Lun4 tan2 Bao4International Herald Tribune
地坛地壇Di4 tan2Temple of Earth (in Beijing)
tan2platform/ rostrum/ altar
天坛天壇Tian1 tan2Temple of Heaven (in Beijing)
天坛座天壇座Tian1 tan2 zuo4Ara (constellation)
影坛影壇ying3 tan2moviedom/ the world of movies/ film circles
戒坛戒壇jie4 tan2ordination platform in a Buddhist temple
政坛政壇zheng4 tan2political circles
文坛文壇wen2 tan2literary circles
书坛書壇shu1 tan2the calligraphic community
棒坛棒壇bang4 tan2baseball circles/ baseball world
乐坛樂壇yue4 tan2music circles/ music world
歌坛歌壇ge1 tan2singing stage/ music business (esp. pop music)
武坛武壇wu3 tan2martial arts circles
画坛畫壇hua4 tan2painting world/ painting circles
祭坛祭壇ji4 tan2altar
花坛花壇Hua1 tan2Huatan township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan
花坛花壇hua1 tan2decorative mass planting of flowers and shrubs, often bounded by a low masonry border, and often part of a streetscape
花坛乡花壇鄉Hua1 tan2 xiang1Huatan township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan
艺坛藝壇yi4 tan2art circles/ art world
诗坛詩壇shi1 tan2poetry circles/ poetry world
论坛論壇lun4 tan2forum (for discussion)
论坛报論壇報Lun4 tan2 Bao4Tribune (in newspaper names)
讲坛講壇jiang3 tan2a platform (to speak)
赵玄坛趙玄壇Zhao4 Xuan2 tan2Zhao Xuantan, God of Wealth in the Chinese folk tradition and Taoism
足坛足壇zu2 tan2soccer circles/ soccer world
达沃斯论坛達沃斯論壇Da2 wo4 si1 lun4 tan2Davos world economic forum (WEF)




2021-05-05, 725👍, 0💬