
品 [pin3]


汉字:品 / 拼音:pin3

pǐn article/ commodity/ product/ goods/ kind/ grade/ rank/ character/ disposition/ nature/ temperament/ variety/ to taste sth/ to sample/ to criticize/ to comment/ to judge/ to size up/ fret (on a guitar or lute)


一品一品yi1 pin3superb/ first-rate/ (of officials in imperial times) the highest rank
一品红一品紅yi1 pin3 hong2poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima)
一品锅一品鍋yi1 pin3 guo1dish containing a variety of meats and vegetables arranged in a broth in a clay pot/ chafing dish
三无产品三無產品san1 wu2 chan3 pin3product lacking one or more of three requirements such as production license, inspection certificate, and manufacturer's name and location
上品上品shang4 pin3top-quality
主品牌主品牌zhu3 pin3 pai2umbrella brand (marketing)
主打品牌主打品牌zhu3 da3 pin3 pai2premium brand/ flagship product
乳品乳品ru3 pin3dairy product
乳制品乳製品ru3 zhi4 pin3dairy products
人品人品ren2 pin3moral standing/ moral quality/ character/ personality/ appearance/ looks (colloquial)/ bearing
仿冒品仿冒品fang3 mao4 pin3counterfeit object/ imitation/ fake/ pirated goods
仿制品仿製品fang3 zhi4 pin3counterfeit object/ fake
作品作品zuo4 pin3work (of art)/ opus/ CL:部[bu4],篇[pian1]
供品供品gong4 pin3offering
供应品供應品gong1 ying4 pin3supplies
信贷衍生产品信貸衍生產品xin4 dai4 yan3 sheng1 chan3 pin3credit derivative (in finance)
值得品味值得品味zhi2 de5 pin3 wei4worth tasting/ you should try it
假冒品假冒品jia3 mao4 pin3counterfeit object/ fake
健康食品健康食品jian4 kang1 shi2 pin3health food
伪造品偽造品wei3 zao4 pin3counterfeit object/ forgery/ fake
备品備品bei4 pin3machine parts or tools kept in reserve/ spare parts
冰品冰品bing1 pin3frozen dessert
出口商品出口商品chu1 kou3 shang1 pin3export product/ export goods
出口产品出口產品chu1 kou3 chan3 pin3export product
出品出品chu1 pin3to produce an item/ output/ items that are produced
出品人出品人chu1 pin3 ren2producer (film)
制成品制成品zhi4 cheng2 pin3manufactured goods/ finished product
刺绣品刺繡品ci4 xiu4 pin3embroidery
副品副品fu4 pin3product of inferior quality
副产品副產品fu4 chan3 pin3by-product




2021-04-28, 497👍, 0💬