
各 [ge4]


汉字:各 / 拼音:ge4

each/ every


世界各地世界各地shi4 jie4 ge4 di4all over the world/ everywhere/ in all parts of the world
人各有所好人各有所好ren2 ge4 you3 suo3 hao4everyone has their likes and dislikes/ there is no accounting for taste/ chacun son goût
全国各地全國各地quan2 guo2 ge4 di4every part of the country
八仙过海,各显其能八仙過海,各顯其能Ba1 xian1 guo4 hai3 , ge4 xian3 qi2 neng2see 八仙過海,各顯神通|八仙过海,各显神通[Ba1 xian1 guo4 hai3 , ge4 xian3 shen2 tong1]
八仙过海,各显神通八仙過海,各顯神通Ba1 xian1 guo4 hai3 , ge4 xian3 shen2 tong1lit. the Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing his own special talent (idiom)/ fig. (of each individual in a group) to give full play to one's unique capabilities
加尔各答加爾各答Jia1 er3 ge4 da2Calcutta (India)
司各特司各特Si1 ge4 te4Scott (name)/ Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832), Scottish romantic novelist
ge4each/ every
各不相同各不相同ge4 bu4 xiang1 tong2to have nothing in common with each other (idiom)
各人各人ge4 ren2each one/ everyone
各人自扫门前雪,莫管他家瓦上霜各人自掃門前雪,莫管他家瓦上霜ge4 ren2 zi4 sao3 men2 qian2 xue3 , mo4 guan3 ta1 jia1 wa3 shang4 shuang1sweep the snow from your own door step, don't worry about the frost on your neighbor's roof (idiom)
各位各位ge4 wei4everybody/ all (guests, colleagues etc)/ all of you
各个各個ge4 ge4every/ various/ separately, one by one
各别各別ge4 bie2distinct/ characteristic/ in different ways/ different
各取所需各取所需ge4 qu3 suo3 xu1each takes what he needs (idiom)
各国各國ge4 guo2each country/ every country/ various countries
各地各地ge4 di4in all parts of (a country)/ various regions
各执一词各執一詞ge4 zhi2 yi1 ci2each sticks to his own version (idiom); a dialogue of the deaf
各执己见各執己見ge4 zhi2 ji3 jian4each sticks to his own view (idiom); a dialogue of the deaf
各执所见各執所見ge4 zhi2 suo3 jian4each sticks to his own view
各奔前程各奔前程ge4 ben4 qian2 cheng2each goes his own way (idiom); each person has his own life to lead
各奔东西各奔東西ge4 ben4 dong1 xi1to go separate ways (idiom)/ to part ways with sb/ Taiwan pr. [ge4 ben1 dong1 xi1]
各就各位各就各位ge4 jiu4 ge4 wei4(of the people in a group) to get into position (idiom)/ (athletics) On your mark!
各式各样各式各樣ge4 shi4 ge4 yang4(of) all kinds and sorts/ various
各得其所各得其所ge4 de2 qi2 suo3each in the correct place/ each is provided for
各打五十大板各打五十大板ge4 da3 wu3 shi2 da4 ban3lit. to give each one a flogging of fifty strokes (idiom)/ fig. to punish the guilty and the innocent alike/ to put the blame on both parties
各抒己见各抒己見ge4 shu1 ji3 jian4everyone gives their own view
各拉丹冬山各拉丹冬山Ge4 la1 dan1 dong1 shan1Mount Geladaindong or Geladandong in Qinghai (6621 m), the main peak of the Tanggula mountain range 唐古拉山脈|唐古拉山脉[Tang2 gu3 la1 shan1 mai4]
各拉丹冬峰各拉丹冬峰Ge4 la1 dan1 dong1 feng1Mount Geladaindong or Geladandong in Qinghai (6621 m), the main peak of the Tanggula mountain range 唐古拉山脈|唐古拉山脉[Tang2 gu3 la1 shan1 mai4]
各持己见各持己見ge4 chi2 ji3 jian4each sticks to his own opinion (idiom); chacun son gout




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