
划 [hua2 hua4]


汉字:划 / 拼音:hua2 hua4

huá to row/ to paddle/ profitable/ worth (the effort)/ it pays (to do sth)
huà to delimit/ to transfer/ to assign/ to plan/ to draw (a line)/ stroke of a Chinese character


下划线下劃線xia4 hua4 xian4underscore _/ underline
不划算不划算bu4 hua2 suan4it isn't worth it/ not cost-effective/ not profitable/ too expensive
五年计划五年計劃wu3 nian2 ji4 hua4Five-Year Plan
人类基因组计划人類基因組計劃ren2 lei4 ji1 yin1 zu3 ji4 hua4Human Genome Project
企划企劃qi3 hua4to plan/ to lay out/ to design
共享计划共享計劃gong4 xiang3 ji4 hua4joint project/ partnership
具体计划具體計劃ju4 ti3 ji4 hua4a concrete plan/ a definite plan
出谋划策出謀劃策chu1 mou2 hua4 ce4to put forward plans and ideas (also derogatory)/ to give advice (idiom)
hua2to row/ to paddle/ profitable/ worth (the effort)/ it pays (to do sth)
划不来划不來hua2 bu5 lai2not worth it
划子划子hua2 zi5small row-boat
划得来划得來hua2 de5 lai2worth it/ it pays to
划拉划拉hua2 la5to sweep/ to brush away
划拳划拳hua2 quan2finger-guessing game
划桨划槳hua2 jiang3to paddle
划算划算hua2 suan4to calculate/ to weigh (pros and cons)/ to view as profitable/ worthwhile/ value for money/ cost-effective
划船划船hua2 chuan2to row a boat/ rowing boat/ rowing (sport)
划艇划艇hua2 ting3rowing boat/ racing row-boat
hua2to cut/ to slash/ to scratch (cut into the surface of sth)/ to strike (a match)
hua4to delimit/ to transfer/ to assign/ to plan/ to draw (a line)/ stroke of a Chinese character
划一劃一hua4 yi1uniform/ to standardize
划一不二劃一不二hua4 yi1 bu4 er4fixed/ unalterable
划下劃下hua4 xia4to underline/ to mark
划位劃位hua4 wei4to assign sb to a seat/ to be allocated a place
划伤劃傷hua2 shang1to damage by scratching/ to gash/ to lacerate
划价劃價hua4 jia4to price (medical prescription)
划分劃分hua4 fen1to divide up/ to partition/ to differentiate
划切劃切hua2 qie4to slice/ to dice
划十字劃十字hua4 shi2 zi4variant of 畫十字|画十字[hua4 shi2 zi4]
划圆防守劃圓防守hua4 yuan2 fang2 shou3to counter (a stroke in fencing)




2021-04-28, 696👍, 0💬