
再 [zai4]


汉字:再 / 拼音:zai4

zài again/ once more/ re-/ second/ another/ then (after sth, and not until then)/ no matter how ... (followed by an adjective or verb, and then (usually) 也[ye3] or 都[dou1] for emphasis)


一再一再yi1 zai4repeatedly
一犯再犯一犯再犯yi1 fan4 zai4 fan4to keep doing (the wrong thing)
一而再,再而三一而再,再而三yi1 er2 zai4 , zai4 er2 san1again and again
一错再错一錯再錯yi1 cuo4 zai4 cuo4to repeat errors/ to continue blundering/ to make continuous mistakes
不再不再bu4 zai4no more/ no longer
不可再生资源不可再生資源bu4 ke3 zai4 sheng1 zi1 yuan2nonrenewable resource
zai4again/ once more/ re-/ second/ another/ then (after sth, and not until then)/ no matter how ... (followed by an adjective or verb, and then (usually) 也[ye3] or 都[dou1] for emphasis)
再一次再一次zai4 yi1 ci4again
再三再三zai4 san1over and over again/ again and again
再三再四再三再四zai4 san1 zai4 si4repeatedly/ over and over again
再不再不zai4 bu4if not, then/ otherwise
再也再也zai4 ye3(not) any more
再使用再使用zai4 shi3 yong4to reuse
再保证再保證zai4 bao3 zheng4to reassure
再保险再保險zai4 bao3 xian3reinsurance (contractual device spreading risk between insurers)
再入再入zai4 ru4to re-enter
再出现再出現zai4 chu1 xian4to reappear
再利用再利用zai4 li4 yong4to reuse
再则再則zai4 ze2moreover/ besides
再四再四zai4 si4repeatedly/ over and over again
再好再好zai4 hao3even better
再好不过再好不過zai4 hao3 bu4 guo4couldn't be better/ ideal/ wonderful
再婚再婚zai4 hun1to remarry
再嫁再嫁zai4 jia4to remarry (of woman)
再审再審zai4 shen3to hear a case again/ review/ retrial
再屠现金再屠現金zai4 tu2 xian4 jin1cash in transit (accountancy)
再度再度zai4 du4once more/ once again/ one more time
再建再建zai4 jian4to reconstruct/ to build another
再怎么再怎麼zai4 zen3 me5no matter how ...
再拜再拜zai4 bai4to bow again/ to bow twice (gesture of respect in former times)/ (in letters, an expression of respect)




2021-04-30, 379👍, 0💬