
布 [bu4]


汉字:布 / 拼音:bu4

variant of 布[bu4]/ to announce/ to spread


中俄尼布楚条约中俄尼布楚條約Zhong1 E2 Ni2 bu4 chu3 Tiao2 yue1Treaty of Nerchinsk (1698) between Qing China and Russia
丹布朗丹布朗Dan1 Bu4 lang3Dan Brown (American novelist)
亚历山大·杜布切克亞歷山大·杜布切克Ya4 li4 shan1 da4 · Du4 bu4 qie1 ke4Alexander Dubček (1921-1992), leader of Czechoslovakia (1968-1969)
亚麻布亞麻布ya4 ma2 bu4linen
仁布仁布Ren2 bu4Rinbung county, Tibetan: Rin spungs rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet
仁布县仁布縣Ren2 bu4 xian4Rinbung county, Tibetan: Rin spungs rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet
伊斯坦布尔伊斯坦布爾Yi1 si1 tan3 bu4 er3Istanbul, Turkey
bu4variant of 布[bu4]/ to announce/ to spread
布伍佈伍bu4 wu3to deploy troops
布列塔尼佈列塔尼Bu4 lie4 ta3 ni2Brittany or Bretagne, area of western France
布告佈告bu4 gao4posting on a bulletin board/ notice/ bulletin/ to announce
布告栏佈告欄bu4 gao4 lan2bulletin board
布囊其口佈囊其口bu4 nang2 qi2 kou3lit. to cover sb's mouth with cloth/ to gag/ fig. to silence
布局佈局bu4 ju2arrangement/ composition/ layout/ opening (chess jargon)
布建佈建bu4 jian4to progressively extend (service delivery, network etc) to a wider area/ rollout
布景佈景bu4 jing3(stage) set
布尔乔亚佈爾喬亞bu4 er3 qiao2 ya4bourgeois (loanword)/ also written 布爾喬亞|布尔乔亚
布置佈置bu4 zhi4to put in order/ to arrange/ to decorate/ to fix up/ to deploy
布莱特妮·墨菲佈萊特妮·墨菲Bu4 lai2 te4 ni1 · Mo4 fei1Brittany Murphy (1977-2009), American actress
布兰森佈蘭森Bu4 lan2 sen1Branson or Brandsen (name)/ Sir Richard Branson (1950-), British millionaire and founder of Virgin
布道佈道bu4 dao4sermon/ to sermonize/ to preach/ to evangelize
布雷佈雷bu4 lei2to lay mines
布雷舰佈雷艦bu4 lei2 jian4minelayer (ship)
布雷顿森林佈雷頓森林Bu4 lei2 dun4 sen1 lin2Bretton woods conference in 1944 of allied powers, regulating world exchange rates and setting up IMF and world bank
传布傳布chuan2 bu4to spread/ to hand down/ to disseminate
光纤分布数据接口光纖分佈數據接口guang1 xian1 fen1 bu4 shu4 ju4 jie1 kou3FDDI/ Fiber Distributed Data Interface
光纤分布式数据接口光纖分布式數據接口guang1 xian1 fen1 bu4 shi4 shu4 ju4 jie1 kou3Fiber Distributed Data Interface/ FDDI
内布拉斯加內布拉斯加Nei4 bu4 la1 si1 jia1Nebraska, US state
内布拉斯加州內布拉斯加州Nei4 bu4 la1 si1 jia1 zhou1Nebraska, US state
公布公佈gong1 bu4to announce/ to make public/ to publish




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