
五 [wu3]


汉字:五 / 拼音:wu3

five/ 5


一五一十一五一十yi1 wu3 yi1 shi2lit. count by fives and tens (idiom); to narrate systematically and in full detail
一退六二五一退六二五yi1 tui4 liu4 er4 wu3lit. 1 divided by 16 is 0.0625 (abacus rule)/ fig. to deny responsibility/ to pass the buck/ also written 一推六二五[yi1 tui4 liu4 er4 wu3]
三下五除二三下五除二san1 xia4 wu3 chu2 er4three, set five remove two (abacus rule)/ efficiently/ quickly and easily
三不五时三不五時san1 bu4 wu3 shi2(Tw) from time to time/ frequently
三五三五san1 wu3several/ three or five
三五成群三五成群san1 wu3 cheng2 qun2in groups of three or four (idiom)
三令五申三令五申san1 ling4 wu3 shen1to order again and again (idiom)
三侠五义三俠五義San1 xia2 wu3 yi4Sanxia wuyi (lit. Three knight-errants and five righteous one), novel edited from stories of late Qing dynasty pinghua 評話|评话 master storyteller Shi Yukun 石玉昆
三番五次三番五次san1 fan1 wu3 ci4over and over again (idiom)
三皇五帝三皇五帝san1 huang2 wu3 di4three sovereigns 三皇[san1 huang2] and five emperors 五帝[wu3 di4] of myth and legend/ the earliest system of Chinese historiography
三纲五常三綱五常san1 gang1 wu3 chang2three principles and five virtues (idiom)/ the three rules (ruler guides subject, father guides son and husband guides wife) and five constant virtues of Confucianism (benevolence 仁, righteousness 義|义, propriety 禮|礼, wisdom 智 and fidelity 信)
上下五千年上下五千年shang4 xia4 wu3 qian1 nian2popular history of China in three volumes by Cao Yuzhang 曹余章
二一添作五二一添作五er4 yi1 tian1 zuo4 wu3lit. one half equals zero point five (division rule in abacus reckoning)/ to share fairly between two parties/ to go fifty-fifty
二十五史二十五史er4 shi2 wu3 shi3twenty four dynastic histories (or 25 or 26 in modern editions)
二百五二百五er4 bai3 wu3idiot/ stupid person/ a dope
wu3five/ 5
五一五一wu3 yi15-1 (May 1st)
五七五七wu3 qi1memorial activity 35 days after a person's death
五七一代五七一代wu3 qi1 yi1 dai4generation of 1957/ refers to Mao's anti-rightist purge of 1957
五七干校五七幹校wu3 qi1 gan4 xiao4May 7 Cadre School (forcing educated people into re-education and peasant labor during Cultural Revolution)/ abbr. for 五七幹部學校|五七干部学校[wu3 qi1 gan4 bu4 xue2 xiao4]
五七干部学校五七幹部學校wu3 qi1 gan4 bu4 xue2 xiao4May 7 Cadre School (forcing educated people into re-education and peasant labor during Cultural Revolution)/ abbr. to 五七幹校|五七干校
五世五世wu3 shi4the fifth (of series of numbered kings)
五五五五wu3 wu350-50/ equal (share, partnership etc)
五人墓碑记五人墓碑記wu3 ren2 mu4 bei1 ji4Five tombstone inscriptions (1628), written by Zhang Pu 張溥|张溥[Zhang1 Pu3]
五代五代Wu3 dai4Five Dynasties, period of history between the fall of the Tang dynasty (907) and the founding of the Song dynasty (960), when five would-be dynasties were established in quick succession in North China
五代十国五代十國Wu3 dai4 Shi2 guo2Five Dynasties (907-960) and Ten Kingdoms (902-979), period of political turmoil in ancient China
五代史五代史Wu3 dai4 shi3History of the Five Dynasties, eighteenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled under Xue Juzheng 薛居正[Xue1 Ju1 zheng4] in 974 during Northern Song 北宋[Bei3 Song4], 150 scrolls
五倍子树五倍子樹wu3 bei4 zi5 shu4Chinese sumac (Rhus chinensis)
五伦五倫wu3 lun2the five Confucian relationships (ruler-subject, father-son, brother-brother, husband-wife, friend-friend)
五光十色五光十色wu3 guang1 shi2 se4bright and multicolored/ of rich variety/ (fig.) dazzling/ glitzy




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