
丟 [diu1]


汉字:丟 / 拼音:diu1

diū to lose/ to put aside/ to throw


diu1to lose/ to put aside/ to throw
丢三落四丟三落四diu1 san1 la4 si4forgetful/ empty-headed
丢下丟下diu1 xia4to abandon
丢丑丟丑diu1 chou3to lose face
丢人丟人diu1 ren2to lose face
丢人现眼丟人現眼diu1 ren2 xian4 yan3to make an exhibition of oneself/ to be a disgrace
丢到家丟到家diu1 dao4 jia1to lose (face) utterly
丢包丟包diu1 bao1(computing) packet loss/ to lose a packet
丢命丟命diu1 ming4to die
丢失丟失diu1 shi1to lose/ lost
丢官丟官diu1 guan1(of an official) to lose one's job
丢手丟手diu1 shou3to wash one's hands of sth/ to have nothing further to do with sth
丢掉丟掉diu1 diao4to lose/ to throw away/ to discard/ to cast away
丢弃丟棄diu1 qi4to discard/ to abandon
丢乌纱帽丟烏紗帽diu1 wu1 sha1 mao4lit. to lose one's black hat/ to be sacked from an official post
丢眉丢眼丟眉丟眼diu1 mei2 diu1 yan3to wink at sb
丢眉弄色丟眉弄色diu1 mei2 nong4 se4to wink at sb
丢脸丟臉diu1 lian3to lose face/ humiliation
丢轮扯炮丟輪扯砲diu1 lun2 che3 pao4(idiom) flustered/ confused
丢开丟開diu1 kai1to cast or put aside/ to forget for a while
丢面子丟面子diu1 mian4 zi5to lose face
丢饭碗丟飯碗diu1 fan4 wan3to lose one's job
丢魂丟魂diu1 hun2to be distracted
丢魂落魄丟魂落魄diu1 hun2 luo4 po4see 失魂落魄[shi1 hun2 luo4 po4]
乱丢亂丟luan4 diu1to discard in the wrong place (cigarette butts etc)/ to leave one's things lying around
可选择丢弃可選擇丟棄ke3 xuan3 ze2 diu1 qi4discard eligible (Frame Relay)/ DE
弄丢弄丟nong4 diu1to lose
捡了芝麻丢了西瓜撿了芝麻丟了西瓜jian3 le5 zhi1 ma5 diu1 le5 xi1 gua1to let go of the big prize while grabbing at trifles (idiom)
灰不溜丢灰不溜丟hui1 bu5 liu1 diu1gloomy and dull (idiom)/ boring and gray/ unpleasantly murky
走丢走丟zou3 diu1to wander off/ to get lost




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