
體 [ti3]


汉字:體 / 拼音:ti3

body/ form/ style/ system/ substance/ to experience/ aspect (linguistics)


21三体综合症21三體綜合症er4 shi2 yi1 san1 ti3 zong1 he2 zheng4trisomy/ Down's syndrome
一体一體yi1 ti3an integral whole/ all concerned/ everybody
一体两面一體兩面yi1 ti3 liang3 mian4lit. one body two sides (idiom)/ fig. a situation with two sides to it
一体化一體化yi1 ti3 hua4integration/ incorporation/ unification
三位一体三位一體San1 wei4 Yi1 ti3Holy Trinity/ trinity
三聚体三聚體san1 ju4 ti3trimer (chemistry)
三角柱体三角柱體san1 jiao3 zhu4 ti3triangular prism (math.)
三体三體san1 ti3trisomy
三体问题三體問題san1 ti3 wen4 ti2three-body problem (mechanics)
上海体育场上海體育場Shang4 hai3 Ti3 yu4 chang3Shanghai Stadium
下体下體xia4 ti3lower body/ euphemism for genitals/ root and stem of plants
不合体统不合體統bu4 he2 ti3 tong3not according with decorum/ scandalous/ bad form/ unacceptable behavior
不成体统不成體統bu4 cheng2 ti3 tong3not according with decorum (idiom); scandalous/ bad form/ unacceptable behavior
不识大体不識大體bu4 shi2 da4 ti3to fail to see the larger issue (idiom)/ to fail to grasp the big picture
不体面不體面bu4 ti3 mian4to not appear to be decent or respectful/ shameful
中华全国体育总会中華全國體育總會Zhong1 hua2 Quan2 guo2 Ti3 yu4 Zong3 hui4All-China Sports Federation
中体西用中體西用Zhong1 ti3 Xi1 yong4adopting Western knowledge for its practical uses while keeping Chinese values as the core
主体主體zhu3 ti3main part/ bulk/ body/ subject/ agent
主体思想主體思想Zhu3 ti3 Si1 xiang3Juche Idea (North Korean ideology of political, economic and military independence)
九面体九面體jiu3 mian4 ti3enneahedron (solid figure having nine plane faces)
事体事體shi4 ti3things/ affairs/ decorum
二倍体二倍體er4 bei4 ti3diploid (in cell biology)
二十面体二十面體er4 shi2 mian4 ti3icosahedron
二聚体二聚體er4 ju4 ti3dimer (chemistry)
五体投地五體投地wu3 ti3 tou2 di4to prostrate oneself in admiration (idiom); to adulate sb
交通立体化交通立體化jiao1 tong1 li4 ti3 hua4grade separation (civil engineering)
人民团体人民團體ren2 min2 tuan2 ti3people's organization (e.g. labor unions, peasant associations, scholarly associations etc)/ mass organization
人造天体人造天體ren2 zao4 tian1 ti3artificial satellite
人体人體ren2 ti3human body
人体器官人體器官ren2 ti3 qi4 guan1human organ




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