
韻 [yun4]


汉字:韻 / 拼音:yun4

yùn the final (of a syllable) (Chinese phonology)/ rhyme/ appeal/ charm/ (literary) pleasant sound


儿化韵兒化韻er2 hua4 yun4retroflex final/ nonsyllabic final r 儿 added to a word in spoken Chinese
切韵切韻Qie4 yun4Qieyun, the first Chinese rime dictionary from 601 AD, containing 11,500 single-character entries
切韵切韻qie4 yun4see 反切[fan3 qie4]
别有韵味別有韻味bie2 you3 yun4 wei4to have quite a lasting charm
协韵協韻xie2 yun4to rhyme
古今韵会举要古今韻會舉要Gu3 jin1 Yun4 hui4 Ju3 yao4"Summary of the Collection of Rhymes Old and New", supplemented and annotated Yuan dynasty version of the no-longer-extant late Song or early Yuan "Collection of Rhymes Old and New" 古今韻會|古今韵会
叶韵叶韻xie2 yun4to rhyme/ also written 協韻|协韵
同韵词同韻詞tong2 yun4 ci2words with the same phonetic ending/ rhyme
喉韵喉韻hou2 yun4pleasant aftertaste in the back of the throat (esp. when drinking tea)
单韵母單韻母dan1 yun4 mu3simple finals
压韵壓韻ya1 yun4variant of 押韻|押韵[ya1 yun4]
大韵大韻da4 yun4rhyme group (group of characters that rhyme, in rhyme books)
小韵小韻xiao3 yun4homophone group (group of homophone characters, in a rhyme book)
尾韵尾韻wei3 yun4rhyme
广韵廣韻Guang3 yun4Guangyun, Chinese rime dictionary 韻書|韵书[yun4 shu1] from 11th century, containing 26,194 single-character entries
押平声韵押平聲韻ya1 ping2 sheng1 yun4to restrict to even tone (i.e. final rhyming syllable must be classical first or second tone 平聲|平声)
押韵押韻ya1 yun4to rhyme/ sometimes written 壓韻|压韵
次韵次韻ci4 yun4reply to a poem in the same rhyme
步韵步韻bu4 yun4to write a poem using another poem's rhymes
气韵氣韻qi4 yun4(of literature, art) distinct style/ flavor/ spirit/ character
流韵流韻liu2 yun4musical sound/ flowing rhythm (of poetry)/ cadence
神韵神韻shen2 yun4charm or grace (in poetry or art)
篇韵篇韻pian1 yun4abbr. for Yupian 玉篇[Yu4 pian1] and Guangyun 廣韻|广韵[Guang3 yun4]
声韵学聲韻學sheng1 yun4 xue2phonetics
复韵母複韻母fu4 yun4 mu3compound final
转韵轉韻zhuan3 yun4change of rhyme (within a poem)
集韵集韻Ji2 yun4Jiyun, Chinese rime dictionary with 53,525 single-character entries, published in 11th century
音韵音韻yin1 yun4music/ rhyme and rhythm/ initial, 音[yin1], and final and tone, 韻|韵[yun4], of a Chinese character/ phoneme
音韵学音韻學yin1 yun4 xue2Chinese phonetics (concerned also with rhyme in poetry)
yun4the final (of a syllable) (Chinese phonology)/ rhyme/ appeal/ charm/ (literary) pleasant sound




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