
需 [xu1]


汉字:需 / 拼音:xu1

to require/ to need/ to want/ necessity/ need


不时之需不時之需bu4 shi2 zhi1 xu1a possible period of want or need
亟需亟需ji2 xu1to urgently need/ urgent need
供需供需gong1 xu1supply and demand
内需內需nei4 xu1domestic demand
化学需氧量化學需氧量hua4 xue2 xu1 yang3 liang4chemical oxygen demand (an environmental indicator)
各取所需各取所需ge4 qu3 suo3 xu1each takes what he needs (idiom)
基本需要基本需要ji1 ben3 xu1 yao4basic necessity/ fundamental need
必需必需bi4 xu1to need/ to require/ essential/ indispensable
必需品必需品bi4 xu1 pin3necessity/ essential (thing)
急需急需ji2 xu1to urgently need/ urgent need
所需所需suo3 xu1necessary (for)/ required
按需按需an4 xu1on demand/ according to demand
按需出版按需出版an4 xu1 chu1 ban3publishing on demand
按需分配按需分配an4 xu1 fen1 pei4distribution according to need
无需無需wu2 xu1needless
特需特需te4 xu1special need/ particular requirement
生活必需品生活必需品sheng1 huo2 bi4 xu1 pin3life's necessities
社会总需求社會總需求she4 hui4 zong3 xu1 qiu2aggregate social demand/ total requirement of society
总需求總需求zong3 xu1 qiu2aggregate demand
而不需而不需er2 bu4 xu1without needing (to so sth)
解铃还需系铃人解鈴還需繫鈴人jie3 ling2 hai2 xu1 xi4 ling2 ren2variant of 解鈴還須繫鈴人|解铃还须系铃人[jie3 ling2 hai2 xu1 xi4 ling2 ren2]
军需軍需jun1 xu1military supplies
军需官軍需官jun1 xu1 guan1quartermaster
xu1to require/ to need/ to want/ necessity/ need
需求需求xu1 qiu2requirement/ to require/ (economics) demand
需求层次理论需求層次理論xu1 qiu2 ceng2 ci4 li3 lun4(Maslow's) hierarchy of needs (psychology)
需要需要xu1 yao4to need/ to want/ to demand/ to require/ requirement/ need
需要是发明之母需要是發明之母xu1 yao4 shi4 fa1 ming2 zhi1 mu3Necessity is the mother of invention (European proverb).
非必需非必需fei1 bi4 xu1inessential



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