
随 [Sui2 sui2]


汉字:随 / 拼音:Sui2 sui2

suí surname Sui
suí to follow/ to comply with/ varying according to.../ to allow/ subsequently


不随大流不隨大流bu4 sui2 da4 liu2not following the crowd/ to go against the tide
不随意不隨意bu4 sui2 yi4unconscious/ involuntary
不随意肌不隨意肌bu4 sui2 yi4 ji1involuntary muscle
任随任隨ren4 sui2to allow (sb to have his head)/ to let things happen
伴随伴隨ban4 sui2to accompany/ to follow/ to occur together with/ concomitant
伴随效应伴隨效應ban4 sui2 xiao4 ying4contingent effects
俗随时变俗隨時變su2 sui2 shi2 bian4customs change with time (idiom); other times, other manners/ O Tempora, O Mores!
傍柳随花傍柳隨花bang4 liu3 sui2 hua1prostitute
入境随俗入境隨俗ru4 jing4 sui2 su2When you enter a country, follow the local customs (idiom); do as the natives do/ When in Rome, do as the Romans do
入乡随俗入鄉隨俗ru4 xiang1 sui2 su2When you enter a village, follow the local customs (idiom); do as the natives do/ When in Rome, do as the Romans do
夫唱妇随夫唱婦隨fu1 chang4 fu4 sui2fig. the man sings and the woman follows/ fig. marital harmony
如影随形如影隨形ru2 ying3 sui2 xing2as the shadow follows the body (idiom)/ closely associated with each other/ to follow relentlessly
嫁鸡随鸡嫁雞隨雞jia4 ji1 sui2 ji1If you marry a chicken, follow the chicken (idiom); A woman should follow whatever her husband orders./ We must learn to accept the people around us.
嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗嫁雞隨雞,嫁狗隨狗jia4 ji1 sui2 ji1 , jia4 gou3 sui2 gou3if you marry a chicken follow the chicken, if you marry a dog follow the dog (idiom)
安闲随意安閑隨意an1 xian2 sui2 yi4leisurely and free (idiom); carefree and at ease
尾随尾隨wei3 sui2to tail behind/ to tag along/ to follow on the heels of
形影相随形影相隨xing2 ying3 xiang1 sui2lit. body and shadow follow each other (idiom)/ fig. inseparable
情随事迁情隨事遷qing2 sui2 shi4 qian1feelings change with circumstances (idiom)
把方便当随便把方便當隨便ba3 fang1 bian4 dang4 sui2 bian4to act unappreciatively in response to a kindness
紧随其后緊隨其後jin3 sui2 qi2 hou4to follow closely behind sb or sth (idiom)
续随子續隨子xu4 sui2 zi5caper (Capparis spinosa)
听随聽隨ting1 sui2to obey/ to allow
萧规曹随蕭規曹隨Xiao1 gui1 Cao2 sui2lit. Xiao's 蕭何|萧何[Xiao1 He2] governance followed by Cao 曹參|曹参[Cao2 Can1] (idiom)/ fig. to strictly adhere to the policies of the predecessor/ to follow precedent
走乡随乡走鄉隨鄉zou3 xiang1 sui2 xiang1(proverb) to follow local customs/ When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
跟随跟隨gen1 sui2to follow
追随追隨zhui1 sui2to follow/ to accompany
追随者追隨者zhui1 sui2 zhe3follower/ adherent/ following
Sui2surname Sui
sui2to follow/ to comply with/ varying according to.../ to allow/ subsequently
随之隨之sui2 zhi1thereupon/ subsequently/ accordingly




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