
赤 [chi4]


汉字:赤 / 拼音:chi4

chì red/ scarlet/ bare/ naked


努尔哈赤努爾哈赤Nu3 er3 ha1 chi4Nurhaci (1559-1626), founder and first Khan of the Manchu Later Jin dynasty 後金|后金 (from 1616)
反赤道流反赤道流fan3 chi4 dao4 liu2equatorial counter current
天球赤道天球赤道tian1 qiu2 chi4 dao4celestial equator
天行赤眼天行赤眼tian1 xing2 chi4 yan3acute contagious conjunctivitis (TCM)
小赤壁小赤壁Xiao3 chi4 bi4Little Red Cliff, nickname of Bitan 碧潭[Bi4 tan2], Xindian, Taibei county, Taiwan
急赤白脸急赤白臉ji2 chi4 bai2 lian3to worry oneself sick/ to fret
打赤脚打赤腳da3 chi4 jiao3to bare the feet
打赤膊打赤膊da3 chi4 bo2to bare one's chest/ bare-chested
普通赤杨普通赤楊pu3 tong1 chi4 yang2alder tree (Alnus glutinosa)
海外赤子海外赤子hai3 wai4 chi4 zi3patriotic overseas compatriot
灰赤杨灰赤楊hui1 chi4 yang2gray alder (Alnus incana)/ speckled alder
玉米赤霉烯酮玉米赤霉烯酮yu4 mi3 chi4 mei2 xi1 tong2zearalenone
白眉赤眼白眉赤眼bai2 mei2 chi4 yan3for no reason (idiom)
绿赤杨綠赤楊lu:4 chi4 yang2green alder (Alnus viridis)
术赤術赤Shu4 chi4Jochi (name)
chi4red/ scarlet/ bare/ naked
赤佬赤佬chi4 lao3(dialect) scoundrel/ rascal
赤匪赤匪chi4 fei3red bandit (i.e. PLA soldier (during the civil war) or Chinese communist (Tw))
赤口日赤口日chi4 kou3 ri4third day of the lunar year (inauspicious for visits because arguments happen easily on that day)
赤嘴潜鸭赤嘴潛鴨chi4 zui3 qian2 ya1(bird species of China) red-crested pochard (Netta rufina)
赤坎赤坎Chi4 kan3Chikan district of Zhanjiang city 湛江市[Zhan4 jiang1 shi4], Guangdong
赤坎区赤坎區Chi4 kan3 qu1Chikan district of Zhanjiang city 湛江市[Zhan4 jiang1 shi4], Guangdong
赤城赤城Chi4 cheng2Chicheng county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei
赤城县赤城縣Chi4 cheng2 xian4Chicheng county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei
赤壁赤壁Chi4 bi4Chibi county level city in Xianning 咸寧市|咸宁市[Xian2 ning2 shi4], Hubei/ Chibi or Red Cliff in Huangzhou district 黃州區|黄州区 of Huanggang city 黄冈, Hubei, scene of the famous battle of Red Cliff of 208
赤壁之战赤壁之戰Chi4 bi4 zhi1 zhan4Battle of Redcliff of 208 at Chibi in Huangzhou district 黃州區|黄州区 of Huanggang city 黄冈, a decisive defeat of Cao Cao 曹操 at the hands of southern kingdom of Wu/ famous episode in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义
赤壁市赤壁市Chi4 bi4 shi4Chibi county level city in Xianning 咸寧市|咸宁市[Xian2 ning2 shi4], Hubei/ Chibi or Redcliff in Huangzhou district 黃州區|黄州区 of Huanggang city 黄冈, Hubei, scene of the famous battle of Redcliff of 208
赤壁县赤壁縣Chi4 bi4 xian4Chibi county in Xianning 咸寧市|咸宁市[Xian2 ning2 shi4], Hubei
赤子赤子chi4 zi3newborn baby/ the people (of a country)
赤子之心赤子之心chi4 zi3 zhi1 xin1pure and innocent like the heart of a newborn/ sincere




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