
宾 [bin1]


汉字:宾 / 拼音:bin1

bīn visitor/ guest/ object (in grammar)


主谓宾主謂賓zhu3 wei4 bin1subject-verb-object SVO or subject-predicate-object sentence pattern (e.g. in Chinese grammar)
主宾主賓zhu3 bin1guest of honor/ host and guests
主宾谓主賓謂zhu3 bin1 wei4subject-object-verb SOV or subject-object-predicate sentence pattern (e.g. in Japanese or Korean grammar)
五彩宾纷五彩賓紛wu3 cai3 bin1 fen1colorful
佳宾佳賓jia1 bin1variant of 嘉賓|嘉宾[jia1 bin1]
来宾來賓Lai2 bin1Laibin prefecture-level city in Guangxi
来宾來賓lai2 bin1guest/ visitor
来宾市來賓市Lai2 bin1 shi4Laibin prefecture-level city in Guangxi
内宾內賓nei4 bin1guest from the same country/ internal or domestic visitor (as opposed to international guest 外賓|外宾)
利宾纳利賓納li4 bin1 na4Ribena
刘宾雁劉賓雁Liu2 Bin1 yan4Liu Binyan (1925-2005), journalist and novelist, condemned by Mao as rightist faction in 1957, subsequently dissident writer
动宾式動賓式dong4 bin1 shi4verb-object construction
卡宾枪卡賓槍ka3 bin1 qiang1carbine rifle (loanword)
吕洞宾呂洞賓Lu:3 Dong4 bin1Lü Dongbin (796-), Tang Dynasty scholar, one of the Eight Immortals 八仙[Ba1 xian1]
哀告宾服哀告賓服ai1 gao4 bin1 fu2to bring tribute as sign of submission (idiom); to submit
喧宾夺主喧賓奪主xuan1 bin1 duo2 zhu3lit. the voice of the guest overwhelms that of the host (idiom)/ fig. a minor player upstages the main attraction/ minor details obscure the main point/ the sauce is better than the fish
嘉宾嘉賓jia1 bin1esteemed guest/ honored guest/ guest (on a show)
国宾國賓guo2 bin1state visitor/ visiting head of state
国宾馆國賓館guo2 bin1 guan3state guesthouse
外宾外賓wai4 bin1foreign guest/ international visitor
宜宾宜賓Yi2 bin1Yibin prefecture level city in Sichuan
宜宾地区宜賓地區Yi2 bin1 di4 qu1Yibin prefecture level city in Sichuan
宜宾市宜賓市Yi2 bin1 shi4Yibin prefecture level city in Sichuan
宜宾县宜賓縣Yi2 bin1 xian4Yibin county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bin1], Sichuan
提姆·罗宾斯提姆·羅賓斯Ti2 mu3 · Luo2 bin1 si1Tim Robbins (1958-), American actor, director, activist and musician
斯克里亚宾斯克里亞賓Si1 ke4 li3 ya4 bin1Alexander Scriabin (1872-1915), Russian composer and pianist
斯宾塞斯賓塞Si1 bin1 se4Spencer or Spence (name)
斯宾诺莎斯賓諾莎Si1 bin1 nuo4 sha1Baruch or Benedict Spinoza (1632-1677), rationalist philosopher
新宾满族自治县新賓滿族自治縣Xin1 bin1 man3 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 xian4Xinbin Manchu autonomous county in Fushun 撫順|抚顺, Liaoning
新宾县新賓縣Xin1 bin1 xian4Xinbin county in Fushun 撫順|抚顺, Liaoning




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