
謀 [mou2]


汉字:謀 / 拼音:mou2

móu to plan/ to seek/ scheme


不在其位不谋其政不在其位不謀其政bu4 zai4 qi2 wei4 bu4 mou4 qi2 zheng4don't meddle in affairs that are not part of your position (Confucius)
不谋而合不謀而合bu4 mou2 er2 he2to agree without prior consultation/ to happen to hold the same view
串谋串謀chuan4 mou2to conspire
以权谋私以權謀私yi3 quan2 mou2 si1to use one's position for personal gain (idiom)
元谋元謀Yuan2 mou2Yuanmou county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州, Yunnan
元谋县元謀縣Yuan2 mou2 xian4Yuanmou county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州[Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan
共谋共謀gong4 mou2to scheme together/ to conspire/ joint plan/ conspiracy
共谋罪共謀罪gong4 mou2 zui4conspiracy
共谋者共謀者gong4 mou2 zhe3conspirator
出谋划策出謀劃策chu1 mou2 hua4 ce4to put forward plans and ideas (also derogatory)/ to give advice (idiom)
参谋參謀can1 mou2staff officer/ to give advice
参谋总长參謀總長can1 mou2 zong3 zhang3army Chief of Staff
参谋长參謀長can1 mou2 zhang3chief of staff
另谋高就另謀高就ling4 mou2 gao1 jiu4to get a better job somewhere else (idiom)/ to seek alternative employment
合谋合謀he2 mou2to conspire/ to plot together
同谋同謀tong2 mou2to conspire with sb/ to plot/ a conspirator/ a partner in crime/ an accomplice
善自为谋善自為謀shan4 zi4 wei2 mou2to be good at working for one's own profit (idiom)
图谋圖謀tu2 mou2to conspire
多谋善断多謀善斷duo1 mou2 shan4 duan4resourceful and decisive/ resolute and sagacious
密谋密謀mi4 mou2conspiracy/ secret plan/ to conspire
小不忍则乱大谋小不忍則亂大謀xiao3 bu4 ren3 ze2 luan4 da4 mou2(idiom) great plans can be ruined by just a touch of impatience
张艺谋張藝謀Zhang1 Yi4 mou2Zhang Yimou (1950-), PRC film director
思谋思謀si1 mou2to consider/ to turn over in one's mind
智谋智謀zhi4 mou2resourceful/ intelligent
有勇无谋有勇無謀you3 yong3 wu2 mou2bold but not very astute (idiom)
有预谋有預謀you3 yu4 mou2premeditated
机谋機謀ji1 mou2stratagem/ scheme/ shrewdness
权谋權謀quan2 mou2trickery/ tactics
深谋深謀shen1 mou2forethought
深谋远虑深謀遠慮shen1 mou2 yuan3 lu:4lit. deep plans and distant thoughts/ to plan far ahead (idiom)




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