
认 [ren4]


汉字:认 / 拼音:ren4

rèn to recognize/ to know/ to admit


不承认主义不承認主義bu4 cheng2 ren4 zhu3 yi4policy of non-recognition
低头认罪低頭認罪di1 tou2 ren4 zui4to bow one's head in acknowledgment of guilt/ to admit one's guilt
供认供認gong4 ren4to confess/ confession
供认不讳供認不諱gong4 ren4 bu4 hui4to make a full confession/ to plead guilty
优先认股权優先認股權you1 xian1 ren4 gu3 quan2preemptive right (in share issue)
元认知元認知yuan2 ren4 zhi1metacognition
公认公認gong1 ren4publicly known (to be)/ accepted (as)
六亲不认六親不認liu4 qin1 bu4 ren4not recognizing one's family (idiom); self-centered and not making any allowances for the needs of one's relatives
否认否認fou3 ren4to declare to be untrue/ to deny
国际公认國際公認guo2 ji4 gong1 ren4internationally recognized
失物认领失物認領shi1 wu4 ren4 ling3lost and found
宣认宣認xuan1 ren4public declaration
后设认知後設認知hou4 she4 ren4 zhi1metacognition (Tw)
性别认同障碍性別認同障礙xing4 bie2 ren4 tong2 zhang4 ai4gender identity disorder (GID)/ gender dysphoria
感性认识感性認識gan3 xing4 ren4 shi5perceptual awareness
承认承認cheng2 ren4to admit/ to concede/ to recognize/ recognition (diplomatic, artistic etc)/ to acknowledge
承认控罪承認控罪cheng2 ren4 kong4 zui4guilty plea (law)
抽认卡抽認卡chou1 ren4 ka3flashcard
招认招認zhao1 ren4to confess
拜认拜認bai4 ren4to formally accept sb as (one's adoptive mother, one's master etc)
指认指認zhi3 ren4to identify
理性认识理性認識li3 xing4 ren4 shi5cognition/ rational knowledge
相认相認xiang1 ren4to know each other/ to recognize/ to identify/ to acknowledge (an old relationship)
矢口否认矢口否認shi3 kou3 fou3 ren4to deny flatly
确认確認que4 ren4to confirm/ to verify/ confirmation
翻脸不认人翻臉不認人fan1 lian3 bu4 ren4 ren2to fall out with sb and become hostile
自认自認zi4 ren4to believe (sth in relation to oneself)/ to regard oneself as/ to acknowledge (sth in relation to oneself)/ to resign oneself to
ren4to recognize/ to know/ to admit
认人認人ren4 ren2to recognize people (of babies)/ to be able to tell people apart
认人儿認人兒ren4 ren2 r5erhua variant of 認人|认人[ren4 ren2]




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