
诈 [zha4]


汉字:诈 / 拼音:zha4

zhà to cheat/ to swindle/ to pretend/ to feign/ to draw sb out/ to try to extract information by deceit or bluff


兵不厌诈兵不厭詐bing1 bu4 yan4 zha4there can never be too much deception in war/ in war nothing is too deceitful/ all's fair in war
奸诈奸詐jian1 zha4treachery/ devious/ a rogue
巧诈巧詐qiao3 zha4deceitful/ crafty/ artful
巧诈不如拙诚巧詐不如拙誠qiao3 zha4 bu4 ru2 zhuo1 cheng2the unvarnished truth is better than a cunning ruse (idiom)/ honesty is the best policy
敲诈敲詐qiao1 zha4to rip off/ to extort (money)/ extortion/ blackmail
敲诈勒索敲詐勒索qiao1 zha4 le4 suo3extortion and blackmail (idiom)
敲诈罪敲詐罪qiao1 zha4 zui4extortion
桀贪骜诈桀貪驁詐jie2 tan1 ao4 zha4brutal, greedy, arrogant and deceitful (idiom)
机诈機詐ji1 zha4deceitful
欺诈欺詐qi1 zha4to cheat
欺诈者欺詐者qi1 zha4 zhe3deceiver
尔虞我诈爾虞我詐er3 yu2 wo3 zha4lit. you hoodwink me and I cheat you (idiom); fig. mutual deception/ each tries to outwit the other/ dog eats dog and devil take the hindmost
狂三诈四狂三詐四kuang2 san1 zha4 si4to deceive and swindle across the board (idiom)
狡诈狡詐jiao3 zha4crafty/ cunning/ deceitful
网络欺诈網絡欺詐wang3 luo4 qi1 zha4phishing
虚诈虛詐xu1 zha4tricky and hypocritical
讹诈訛詐e2 zha4to extort under false pretenses/ to blackmail/ to bluff/ to defraud
zha4to cheat/ to swindle/ to pretend/ to feign/ to draw sb out/ to try to extract information by deceit or bluff
诈冒詐冒zha4 mao4to claim ownership (of stolen goods)
诈取詐取zha4 qu3to swindle/ to defraud
诈唬詐唬zha4 hu5to bluff/ to bluster/ to intimidate
诈尸詐屍zha4 shi1sudden movement of a corpse (superstition)/ fig. sudden torrent of abuse
诈晴詐晴zha4 qing2to clear up (of weather after rain)
诈欺詐欺zha4 qi1fraud/ deception
诈死詐死zha4 si3to feign death/ to fake death
诈病詐病zha4 bing4to feign illness/ to malinger
诈语詐語zha4 yu3falsehood/ lies/ fabrication
诈降詐降zha4 xiang2feigned surrender
诈领詐領zha4 ling3to defraud/ to obtain by fraud/ to embezzle/ fraudulent
诈骗詐騙zha4 pian4to defraud/ to swindle/ to blackmail




2021-05-07, 325👍, 0💬