
西 [Xi1 xi1]


汉字:西 / 拼音:Xi1 xi1

the West/ abbr. for Spain 西班牙[Xi1 ban1 ya2]/ Spanish
异体 西


一命归西一命歸西yi1 ming4 gui1 xi1see 一命嗚呼|一命呜呼[yi1 ming4 wu1 hu1]
一东一西一東一西yi1 dong1 yi1 xi1far apart
三件套式西装三件套式西裝san1 jian4 tao4 shi4 xi1 zhuang1three-piece suit
三十年河东,三十年河西三十年河東,三十年河西san1 shi2 nian2 he2 dong1 , san1 shi2 nian2 he2 xi1the river flows thirty years to the East, thirty years to the West (proverb)/ change is the only constant
上西天上西天shang4 xi1 tian1to enter heaven/ to rise to the Western Paradise
下西洋下西洋xia4 Xi1 yang2to sail west (from China) (used in reference to the 15th century voyages of Zheng He 鄭和|郑和[Zheng4 He2] to regions bordering the Indian Ocean)
不是东西不是東西bu4 shi4 dong1 xi5(derog.) to be a good-for-nothing/ worthless nobody/ no-good
中国西北边陲中國西北邊陲Zhong1 guo2 xi1 bei3 bian1 chui2border area of northwest China (i.e. Xinjiang)
中大西洋脊中大西洋脊zhong1 da4 xi1 yang2 ji3mid-Atlantic ridge
中西中西Zhong1 Xi1China and the West/ Chinese-Western
中西区中西區Zhong1 Xi1 qu1Central and Western district of Hong Kong
中西合并中西合併Zhong1 Xi1 he2 bing4Chinese-Western fusion
中西合璧中西合璧Zhong1 Xi1 he2 bi4harmonious combination of Chinese and Western elements (idiom)
中西部中西部zhong1 xi1 bu4midwest
中西医中西醫zhong1 xi1 yi1Chinese and Western medicine/ a doctor trained in Chinese and Western medicine
中西医结合中西醫結合Zhong1 Xi1 yi1 jie2 he2to combine traditional Chinese and Western medicine
中体西用中體西用Zhong1 ti3 Xi1 yong4adopting Western knowledge for its practical uses while keeping Chinese values as the core
亚西尔·阿拉法特亞西爾·阿拉法特Ya4 xi1 er3 · A1 la1 fa3 te4Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini (1929-2004), Palestinian leader, popularly known as Yasser Arafat
亚达薛西亞達薛西Ya4 da2 xue1 xi1Artaxerxes
以西以西yi3 xi1to the west of (suffix)
以西结书以西結書Yi3 xi1 jie2 shu1Book of Ezekiel
伊普西隆伊普西隆yi1 pu3 xi1 long2epsilon (Greek letter Εε)
何西阿书何西阿書He2 xi1 a1 shu1Book of Hosea
佩洛西佩洛西Pei4 luo4 xi1Nancy Pelosi (1940-), US Democrat politician from California, speaker of US House of Representatives 2007-2011 and 2019-
偏西偏西pian1 xi1inclining to the west (e.g. of the sun after noon, indicating lateness of the day)
杰西傑西Jie2 xi1Jesse (name)
杰西·欧文斯傑西·歐文斯Jie2 xi1 · Ou1 wen2 si1Jesse Owens (1913-1980), American athlete
杰西卡傑西卡Jie2 xi1 ka3Jessica (name)
杰西卡·艾尔芭傑西卡·艾爾芭Jie2 xi1 ka3 · Ai4 er3 ba1Jessica Alba, American actress
克罗埃西亚克羅埃西亞Ke4 luo2 ai1 xi1 ya4Croatia (Tw)




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