
色 [se4 shai3]


汉字:色 / 拼音:se4 shai3

color/ CL:種|种[zhong3]/ look/ appearance/ sex
shǎi color/ dice


三色堇三色堇san1 se4 jin3pansy
三色紫罗兰三色紫羅蘭san1 se4 zi3 luo2 lan2pansy
三色猫三色貓san1 se4 mao1calico cat
上色上色shang4 se4top-quality/ top-grade
上色上色shang4 shai3to color (a picture etc)/ to dye (fabric etc)/ to stain (furniture etc)
不动声色不動聲色bu4 dong4 sheng1 se4not a word or movement (idiom); remaining calm and collected/ not batting an eyelid
不露声色不露聲色bu4 lu4 sheng1 se4not show one's feeling or intentions
丢眉弄色丟眉弄色diu1 mei2 nong4 se4to wink at sb
中国特色社会主义中國特色社會主義Zhong1 guo2 te4 se4 she4 hui4 zhu3 yi4"socialism with Chinese characteristics"
乳白色乳白色ru3 bai2 se4milky white
乳黄色乳黃色ru3 huang2 se4cream (color)
五光十色五光十色wu3 guang1 shi2 se4bright and multicolored/ of rich variety/ (fig.) dazzling/ glitzy
五色五色wu3 se4multi-colored/ the rainbow/ garish
五色缤纷五色繽紛wu3 se4 bin1 fen1all the colors in profusion (idiom); a garish display
五颜六色五顏六色wu3 yan2 liu4 se4multi-colored/ every color under the sun
仙八色鸫仙八色鶇xian1 ba1 se4 dong1(bird species of China) fairy pitta (Pitta nympha)
仙姿玉色仙姿玉色xian1 zi1 yu4 se4heavenly beauty, jewel colors (idiom); unusually beautiful lady
以色列以色列Yi3 se4 lie4Israel
以色列人以色列人Yi3 se4 lie4 ren2Israelite/ Israeli
作色作色zuo4 se4to show signs of anger/ to flush with annoyance
使眼色使眼色shi3 yan3 se4to give sb a meaningful look
保护色保護色bao3 hu4 se4protective coloration/ camouflage
做眼色做眼色zuo4 yan3 se4to give sb a meaningful look
全色全色quan2 se4full color/ in all colors
出色出色chu1 se4remarkable/ outstanding
分色分色fen1 se4color separation
分色镜头分色鏡頭fen1 se4 jing4 tou2process lens (working by color separation)
勃然变色勃然變色bo2 ran2 bian4 se4to suddenly change color showing displeasure, bewilderment etc
化学比色法化學比色法hua4 xue2 bi3 se4 fa3chemical colorimetry
原色原色yuan2 se4primary color




2021-04-20, 446👍, 0💬