
卧 [wo4]


汉字:卧 / 拼音:wo4

to lie/ to crouch


仰卧仰臥yang3 wo4to lie supine
仰卧式仰臥式yang3 wo4 shi4corpse pose (yoga)
仰卧起坐仰臥起坐yang3 wo4 qi3 zuo4sit-up (physical exercise)
伏卧伏臥fu2 wo4lying down/ to lie prostrate/ prone
俯卧俯臥fu3 wo4to lie prone
俯卧撑俯臥撐fu3 wo4 cheng1press-up (physical exercise)/ push-up
倒卧倒臥dao3 wo4to lie down/ to drop dead
侧卧側臥ce4 wo4to lie on one's side
僵卧僵臥jiang1 wo4to lie rigid and motionless
和衣而卧和衣而臥he2 yi1 er2 wo4to lie down to sleep with one's clothes on
坐卧不宁坐臥不寧zuo4 wo4 bu4 ning4to be restless
抵足而卧抵足而臥di3 zu2 er2 wo4lit. to live and sleep together (idiom); fig. a close friendship
横卧橫臥heng2 wo4to recline
横躺竖卧橫躺豎臥heng2 tang3 shu4 wo4to lie down all over the place/ exhausted and in disarray
盘龙卧虎盤龍臥虎pan2 long2 wo4 hu3lit. coiled dragon, crouching tiger (idiom)/ fig. talented individuals in hiding/ concealed talent
硬卧硬臥ying4 wo4hard sleeper (a type of sleeper train ticket class with a harder bunk)
wo4to lie/ to crouch
卧不安臥不安wo4 bu4 an1restless insomnia
卧位臥位wo4 wei4berth
卧佛臥佛wo4 fo2reclining Buddha
卧倒臥倒wo4 dao3to lie down/ to drop to the ground
卧内臥內wo4 nei4bedroom
卧具臥具wo4 ju4bedding
卧室臥室wo4 shi4bedroom/ CL:間|间[jian1]
卧床臥床wo4 chuang2to lie in bed/ bedridden/ bed
卧底臥底wo4 di3to hide (as an undercover agent)/ an insider (in a gang of thieves)/ a mole
卧式臥式wo4 shi4lying/ horizontal
卧房臥房wo4 fang2bedroom/ a sleeping compartment (on a train)
卧推臥推wo4 tui1bench press
卧果儿臥果兒wo4 guo3 r5a poached egg




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