
税 [shui4]


汉字:税 / 拼音:shui4

shuì taxes/ duties


人头税人頭稅ren2 tou2 shui4poll tax
保税保稅bao3 shui4bonded (goods, factory etc)
保税区保稅區bao3 shui4 qu1duty-free district/ tariff-free zone/ bonded area
个税個稅ge4 shui4personal income tax (abbr. for 個人所得稅|个人所得税)
偷税偷稅tou1 shui4tax evasion
免税免稅mian3 shui4not liable to taxation (of monastery, imperial family etc)/ tax free/ duty free (shop)
利得税利得稅li4 de2 shui4profit tax
印花税印花稅yin4 hua1 shui4stamp duty
含税含稅han2 shui4tax inclusive
商税商稅shang1 shui4tax on trade
地税地稅di4 shui4rates (tax)
报税報稅bao4 shui4to file an income tax return/ to declare dutiable goods (at customs)
报税单報稅單bao4 shui4 dan1to declare to customs or to the taxman
报税表報稅表bao4 shui4 biao3a tax return/ a tax declaration form
增值税增值稅zeng1 zhi2 shui4value-added tax (VAT)
完税完稅wan2 shui4to pay tax/ duty-paid
市政税市政稅shi4 zheng4 shui4city council rates/ municipal taxes
征税徵稅zheng1 shui4to levy taxes
所得税所得稅suo3 de2 shui4income tax
抗税抗稅kang4 shui4to refuse to pay taxes/ to boycott taxes
抽税抽稅chou1 shui4to tax/ to levy a tax
捐税捐稅juan1 shui4taxes and levies
损税損稅sun3 shui4crippling taxation
收税收稅shou1 shui4to collect tax
暴利税暴利稅bao4 li4 shui4windfall profit tax
消费税消費稅xiao1 fei4 shui4consumption tax/ sales tax
减税減稅jian3 shui4tax cut
漏税漏稅lou4 shui4tax evasion
营业税營業稅ying2 ye4 shui4tax on turnover/ sales tax
版税版稅ban3 shui4royalty (on books)




2021-05-06, 469👍, 0💬