
死 [si3]


汉字:死 / 拼音:si3

to die/ impassable/ uncrossable/ inflexible/ rigid/ extremely/ damned


一把死拿一把死拿yi1 ba3 si3 na2stubborn/ inflexible
一棍子打死一棍子打死yi1 gun4 zi5 da3 si3to deal a single fatal blow/ (fig.) to totally repudiate sb because of a minor error
一潭死水一潭死水yi1 tan2 si3 shui3a pool of stagnant water/ stagnant or listless condition
下死劲下死勁xia4 si3 jin4to do one's utmost
不作死就不会死不作死就不會死bu4 zuo4 si3 jiu4 bu4 hui4 si3serves you right for doing sth so stupid (Internet slang)
不免一死不免一死bu4 mian3 yi1 si3cannot avoid being killed/ cannot escape death/ to be mortal
不到黄河心不死不到黃河心不死bu4 dao4 Huang2 He2 xin1 bu4 si3lit. not to stop until one reaches the Yellow River (idiom)/ fig. to persevere until one reaches one's goal/ to keep going while some hope is left
不是鱼死就是网破不是魚死就是網破bu4 shi4 yu2 si3 jiu4 shi4 wang3 po4lit. either the fish dies or the net gets torn (idiom)/ fig. it's a life-and-death struggle/ it's either him or me
不死不休不死不休bu4 si3 bu4 xiu1to fight to one's last gasp
不死心不死心bu4 si3 xin1unwilling to give up/ unresigned
不死药不死藥bu4 si3 yao4elixir of life
不知死活不知死活bu4 zhi1 si3 huo2to act recklessly (idiom)
不自由,毋宁死不自由,毋寧死bu4 zi4 you2 , wu2 ning4 si3give me liberty or give me death
不要在一棵树上吊死不要在一棵樹上吊死bu4 yao4 zai4 yi1 ke1 shu4 shang4 diao4 si3don't insist on only taking one road to Rome (idiom)/ there's more than one way to skin a cat
九死一生九死一生jiu3 si3 yi1 sheng1nine deaths and still alive (idiom); a narrow escape/ new lease of life
乱石砸死亂石砸死luan4 shi2 za2 si3to stone to death
人之将死,其言也善人之將死,其言也善ren2 zhi1 jiang1 si3 , qi2 yan2 ye3 shan4words of a man on his deathbed always come from the heart (proverb)
人比人,气死人人比人,氣死人ren2 bi3 ren2 , qi4 si3 ren2constantly comparing oneself to others will only make one angry (proverb)
人为财死,鸟为食亡人為財死,鳥為食亡ren2 wei4 cai2 si3 , niao3 wei4 shi2 wang2lit. human beings will die for riches, just as birds will for food (idiom)/ fig. man will do anything in his means to become rich
以死明志以死明志yi3 si3 ming2 zhi4to demonstrate one's sincerity by dying
作死作死zuo4 si3to court disaster/ also pr. [zuo1 si3]
你死我活你死我活ni3 si3 wo3 huo2lit. you die, I live (idiom); irreconcilable adversaries/ two parties cannot coexist
假死假死jia3 si3suspended animation/ feigned death/ to play dead
伤心致死傷心致死shang1 xin1 zhi4 si3to grieve to death/ to die of a broken-heart
凶死兇死xiong1 si3to die in violence
兔死狐悲兔死狐悲tu4 si3 hu2 bei1lit. if the rabbit dies, the fox grieves (idiom); fig. to have sympathy with a like-minded person in distress
兔死狗烹兔死狗烹tu4 si3 gou3 peng1lit. to boil the hound once it caught the rabbit (idiom)/ fig. to get rid of sb once he has served his purpose
冒死冒死mao4 si3to brave death
冤死冤死yuan1 si3to die of persecution
冻死凍死dong4 si3to freeze to death/ to die off in winter




2021-04-30, 646👍, 0💬