
橋 [qiao2]


汉字:橋 / 拼音:qiao2

qiáo bridge/ CL:座[zuo4]


H桥H橋H qiao2H bridge (electronics)
五通桥五通橋Wu3 tong1 qiao2Wutongqiao district of Leshan city 樂山市|乐山市[Le4 shan1 shi4], Sichuan
五通桥区五通橋區Wu3 tong1 qiao2 qu1Wutongqiao district of Leshan city 樂山市|乐山市[Le4 shan1 shi4], Sichuan
亚欧大陆桥亞歐大陸橋Ya4 Ou1 da4 lu4 qiao2Eurasian land bridge (rail line linking China and Europe)
你走你的阳关道,我过我的独木桥你走你的陽關道,我過我的獨木橋ni3 zou3 ni3 de5 Yang2 guan1 Dao4 , wo3 guo4 wo3 de5 du2 mu4 qiao2lit. you hit the high road, I'll cross the log bridge (idiom)/ fig. you go your way, I'll go mine/ you do it your way, I'll do it mine
便桥便橋bian4 qiao2temporary bridge
全桥全橋quan2 qiao2H bridge (electronics)
冰桥冰橋bing1 qiao2ice arch
前桥前橋Qian2 qiao2Maebashi (surname or place name)
剑桥劍橋Jian4 qiao2Cambridge
剑桥大学劍橋大學Jian4 qiao2 Da4 xue2University of Cambridge
十七孔桥十七孔橋Shi2 qi1 kong3 Qiao2Seventeen-Arch Bridge in the Summer Palace 頤和園|颐和园[Yi2 he2 yuan2], Beijing
半桥半橋ban4 qiao2half bridge (electronics)
吊桥吊橋diao4 qiao2drawbridge/ suspension bridge
吴桥吳橋Wu2 qiao2Wuqiao county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei
吴桥县吳橋縣Wu2 qiao2 xian4Wuqiao county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei
咸阳桥咸陽橋Xian2 yang2 Qiao2Xianyang Bridge
埇桥埇橋Yong3 qiao2Yongqiao district of Suzhou city 宿州市[Su4 zhou1 shi4], Anhui
埇桥区埇橋區Yong3 qiao2 qu1Yongqiao district of Suzhou city 宿州市[Su4 zhou1 shi4], Anhui
大桥大橋Da4 Qiao2Da Qiao, one of the Two Qiaos, according to Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义[San1 guo2 Yan3 yi4], the two great beauties of ancient China
大石桥大石橋Da4 shi2 qiao2Dashiqiao county-level city in Yingkou 營口|营口[Ying2 kou3], Liaoning
大石桥市大石橋市Da4 shi2 qiao2 Shi4Dashiqiao county-level city in Yingkou 營口|营口[Ying2 kou3], Liaoning
天桥天橋Tian1 qiao2Tianqiao district of Jinan city 濟南市|济南市[Ji3 nan2 shi4], Shandong/ Tianqiao district in Beijing, formerly a center of folk culture
天桥天橋tian1 qiao2overhead walkway/ pedestrian bridge
天桥区天橋區Tian1 qiao2 qu1Tianqiao district of Jinan city 濟南市|济南市[Ji3 nan2 shi4], Shandong
天桥立天橋立Tian1 qiao2 li4Ama-no-hashidate in the north of Kyōto prefecture 京都府 on the Sea of Japan
契约桥牌契約橋牌qi4 yue1 qiao2 pai2contract bridge (card game)
小桥小橋Xiao3 Qiao2Xiao Qiao, one of the Two Qiaos, according to Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义[San1 guo2 Yan3 yi4], the two great beauties of ancient China
布鲁克林大桥布魯克林大橋Bu4 lu3 ke4 lin2 Da4 qiao2Brooklyn Bridge
平桥平橋Ping2 qiao2Pingqiao District of Xinyang City 信陽市|信阳市[Xin4 yang2 Shi4], Henan




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