
條 [tiao2]


汉字:條 / 拼音:tiao2

tiáo strip/ item/ article/ clause (of law or treaty)/ classifier for long thin things (ribbon, river, road, trousers etc)


一条心一條心yi1 tiao2 xin1to be of one mind/ to think or act alike
一条绳上的蚂蚱一條繩上的螞蚱yi1 tiao2 sheng2 shang4 de5 ma4 zha5lit. grasshoppers tied together with a piece of string (idiom)/ fig. people who are in it together for better or worse/ people who will sink or swim together
一条路走到黑一條路走到黑yi1 tiao2 lu4 zou3 dao4 hei1lit. to follow one road until dark (idiom)/ fig. to stick to one's ways/ to cling to one's course
一条道走到黑一條道走到黑yi1 tiao2 dao4 zou3 dao4 hei1to stick to one's ways/ to cling to one's course
一条龙一條龍yi1 tiao2 long2lit. one dragon/ integrated chain/ coordinated process
一条龙服务一條龍服務yi1 tiao2 long2 fu2 wu4one-stop service
三条三條san1 tiao2three of a kind (poker)
不平等条约不平等條約bu4 ping2 deng3 tiao2 yue1(term coined c. 1920s) unequal treaty – a treaty between China and one or more aggressor nations (including Russia, Japan and various Western powers) which imposed humiliating conditions on China (in the 19th and early 20th centuries)
不扩散核武器条约不擴散核武器條約Bu4 Kuo4 san4 He2 wu3 qi4 Tiao2 yue1Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
并条並條bing4 tiao2drawing (textile industry)
中俄伊犁条约中俄伊犁條約Zhong1 E2 Yi1 li2 Tiao2 yue1Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881, whereby Russia handed back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and unequal treaty rights
中俄北京条约中俄北京條約Zhong1 E2 Bei3 jing1 Tiao2 yue1the Treaty of Beijing of 1860 between Qing China and Tsarist Russia
中俄尼布楚条约中俄尼布楚條約Zhong1 E2 Ni2 bu4 chu3 Tiao2 yue1Treaty of Nerchinsk (1698) between Qing China and Russia
中俄改订条约中俄改訂條約Zhong1 E2 Gai3 ding4 Tiao2 yue1Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881, whereby Russia handed back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and unequal treaty rights
二十一条二十一條Er4 shi2 yi1 Tiao2the Japanese Twenty-One Demands of 1915
井井有条井井有條jing3 jing3 you3 tiao2everything clear and orderly (idiom); neat and tidy
今日头条今日頭條Jin1 ri4 Tou2 tiao2Toutiao, personalized content recommendation app
付款条件付款條件fu4 kuan3 tiao2 jian4terms of payment
使用条款使用條款shi3 yong4 tiao2 kuan3terms of use
便条便條bian4 tiao2(informal) note/ CL:張|张[zhang1],個|个[ge4]
便条纸便條紙bian4 tiao2 zhi3scrap paper
信条信條xin4 tiao2creed/ article of faith
借条借條jie4 tiao2receipt for a loan/ IOU
假条假條jia4 tiao2leave of absence request (from work or school)/ excuse note/ CL:張|张[zhang1]
充要条件充要條件chong1 yao4 tiao2 jian4necessary and sufficient condition
先决条件先決條件xian1 jue2 tiao2 jian4precondition/ prerequisite
免责条款免責條款mian3 ze2 tiao2 kuan3disclaimer
免赔条款免賠條款mian3 pei2 tiao2 kuan3franchise clause (insurance)
全面禁止核试验条约全面禁止核試驗條約Quan2 mian4 Jin4 zhi3 He2 shi4 yan4 Tiao2 yue1Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
冗条子冗條子rong3 tiao2 zi5unwanted branches (of a tree etc)




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