
杜 [Du4 du4]


汉字:杜 / 拼音:Du4 du4

surname Du
birchleaf pear (tree)/ to stop/ to prevent/ to restrict


中杜鹃中杜鵑zhong1 du4 juan1(bird species of China) Himalayan cuckoo (Cuculus saturatus)
亚历山大·杜布切克亞歷山大·杜布切克Ya4 li4 shan1 da4 · Du4 bu4 qie1 ke4Alexander Dubček (1921-1992), leader of Czechoslovakia (1968-1969)
八声杜鹃八聲杜鵑ba1 sheng1 du4 juan1(bird species of China) plaintive cuckoo (Cacomantis merulinus)
北方中杜鹃北方中杜鵑bei3 fang1 zhong1 du4 juan1(bird species of China) oriental cuckoo (Cuculus optatus)
反杜林论反杜林論Fan3 Du4 lin2 Lun4Anti-Dühring, book by Friedrich Engels 恩格斯[En1 ge2 si1]
四声杜鹃四聲杜鵑si4 sheng1 du4 juan1(bird species of China) Indian cuckoo (Cuculus micropterus)
大李杜大李杜Da4 Li3 Du4Li Bai 李白[Li3 Bai2] and Du Fu 杜甫[Du4 Fu3]
大杜鹃大杜鵑da4 du4 juan1(bird species of China) common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus)
小杜鹃小杜鵑xiao3 du4 juan1(bird species of China) lesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus)
普密蓬·阿杜德普密蓬·阿杜德Pu3 mi4 peng2 · A1 du4 de2Bhumibol Adulyadej (1927-2016), king of Thailand 1946-2016
Du4surname Du
du4birchleaf pear (tree)/ to stop/ to prevent/ to restrict
杜仲杜仲du4 zhong4eucommia (a kind of rubber tree)
杜伊斯堡杜伊斯堡Du4 yi1 si1 bao3Duisburg, city in the Ruhr 魯爾區|鲁尔区[Lu3 er3 Qu1], Germany
杜冷丁杜冷丁du4 leng3 ding1(medicine) dolantin (loanword)/ pethidine
杜口杜口du4 kou3to remain silent
杜口裹足杜口裹足du4 kou3 guo3 zu2too frightened to move or speak
杜哈杜哈Du4 ha1Doha, capital of Qatar (Tw)
杜嘉班纳杜嘉班納Du4 jia1 ban1 na4Dolce & Gabbana (fashion)
杜塞杜塞du4 se4to stop/ to block
杜塞尔多夫杜塞爾多夫Du4 sai1 er3 duo1 fu1Düsseldorf (Germany)
杜塞道夫杜塞道夫Du4 se4 dao4 fu1Düsseldorf (Germany)/ also written 杜塞爾多夫|杜塞尔多夫[Du4 sai1 er3 duo1 fu1]
杜威杜威Du4 Wei1Du Wei (1982-), Shanghai soccer star/ Dewey (name)
杜宇杜宇du4 yu3cuckoo/ same as 杜鵑鳥|杜鹃鸟
杜尚别杜尚別Du4 shang4 bie2Dushanbe, capital of Tajikistan
杜布罗夫尼克杜布羅夫尼克Du4 bu4 luo2 fu1 ni2 ke4Dubrovnik (city in Croatia)
杜康杜康Du4 Kang1Du Kang, legendary inventor of wine
杜拜杜拜Du4 bai4Dubai (Tw)
杜撰杜撰du4 zhuan4to fabricate/ to make sth up/ invented
杜月笙杜月笙Du4 Yue4 sheng1Du Yuesheng (1888-1951), Shanghai secret-society leader, banker, industrialist




2021-05-07, 436👍, 0💬