
新 [Xin1 xin1]


汉字:新 / 拼音:Xin1 xin1

xīn abbr. for Xinjiang 新疆[Xin1 jiang1] or Singapore 新加坡[Xin1 jia1 po1]/ surname Xin
xīn new/ newly/ meso- (chemistry)


上新世上新世Shang4 xin1 shi4Pliocene (geological epoch from 5m-2m years ago)
上海文广新闻传媒集团上海文廣新聞傳媒集團Shang4 hai3 Wen2 guang3 Xin1 wen2 Chuan2 mei2 Ji2 tuan2Shanghai Media Group
不新鲜不新鮮bu4 xin1 xian1stale
世说新语世說新語Shi4 shuo1 Xin1 yu3A New Account of the Tales of the World, collection of anecdotes, conversations, remarks etc of historic personalities, compiled and edited by Liu Yiqing 劉義慶|刘义庆[Liu2 Yi4 qing4]
中国新民党中國新民黨Zhong1 guo2 Xin1 min2 dang3New People's Party of China, xinmin.freeforum.ca
中国新闻社中國新聞社Zhong1 guo2 Xin1 wen2 she4China News Service
中国新闻网中國新聞網Zhong1 guo2 Xin1 wen2 Wang3China News Service website (chinanews.com)
中新世中新世Zhong1 xin1 shi4Miocene (geological epoch from 24m-5m years ago)
中新社中新社Zhong1 xin1 she4China News Service (CNS), abbr. for 中國新聞社|中国新闻社
中新网中新網Zhong1 xin1 wang3ChinaNews (China News Service)
中法新约中法新約Zhong1 Fa3 xin1 yue1treaty of Tianjin of 1885 ceding Vietnam to France
中兴新村中興新村Zhong1 xing1 Xin1 cun1Chung-hsing New Village, model town in Nantou County, west-central Taiwan, administrative seat of the Taiwan Provincial Government
了无新意了無新意liao3 wu2 xin1 yi4unoriginal/ stereotyped
信报财经新闻信報財經新聞xin4 bao4 cai2 jing1 xin1 wen2Hong Kong Economic Journal
光明新区光明新區Guang1 ming2 xin1 qu1New Guangming district of Shenzhen City 深圳市[Shen1 zhen4 shi4], Guangdong
全新全新quan2 xin1all new/ completely new
全新世全新世Quan2 xin1 shi4Holocene (geological period covering approx 12000 years since the last ice age)
全新纪全新紀quan2 xin1 ji4holocene/ period since the last ice age
全新统全新統quan2 xin1 tong3holocene system (geological strata laid down during the last 12000 years)
出新出新chu1 xin1to make new advances/ to move forwards
刷新刷新shua1 xin1to renovate/ to refurbish/ to refresh (computer window)/ to write a new page (in history)/ to break (a record)
创新創新chuang4 xin1innovation/ to bring forth new ideas/ to blaze new trails
创新精神創新精神chuang4 xin1 jing1 shen2creativity
动态更新動態更新dong4 tai4 geng1 xin1dynamic update (Internet)
劳动新闻勞動新聞Lao2 dong4 xin1 wen2Rodong Sinmun (Workers' news), the official newspaper of the North Korean WPK's Central Committee
古新世古新世Gu3 xin1 shi4Palaeocene (geological epoch from 65m-55m years ago)
古新统古新統gu3 xin1 tong3Palaeocene system (geology)
另觅新欢另覓新歡ling4 mi4 xin1 huan1to seek happiness elsewhere (euphemism for extramarital sex)/ a bit on the side
吐故纳新吐故納新tu3 gu4 na4 xin1lit. to breathe out stale air and breathe in fresh (idiom, from Zhuangzi 庄子); fig. to get rid of the old and bring in the new
咸与维新咸與維新xian2 yu4 wei2 xin1everyone participates in reforms (idiom)/ to replace the old with new/ to reform and start afresh




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