
搏 [bo2]


汉字:搏 / 拼音:bo2

to fight/ to combat/ to seize/ (of heart) to beat


厮搏廝搏si1 bo2to fight at close quarters/ to tussle
心搏心搏xin1 bo2heartbeat/ pulse
拼搏拼搏pin1 bo2to struggle/ to wrestle
bo2to fight/ to combat/ to seize/ (of heart) to beat
搏动搏動bo2 dong4to beat rhythmically/ to throb/ to pulsate
搏命搏命bo2 ming4to fight with all one has
搏战搏戰bo2 zhan4to fight/ to struggle/ to wage war
搏击搏擊bo2 ji1to fight, esp. with hands/ wrestling (as a sport)/ to wrestle/ to wrestle (against fate, with a problem etc)/ to capture prey
搏杀搏殺bo2 sha1fighting/ killing
搏髀搏髀bo2 bi4to beat time by slapping one's thighs
搏斗搏鬥bo2 dou4to wrestle/ to fight/ to struggle
放手一搏放手一搏fang4 shou3 yi1 bo2to put one's all into the fight
早搏早搏zao3 bo2(medicine) premature beat/ extrasystole
肉搏战肉搏戰rou4 bo2 zhan4hand-to-hand combat
脉搏脈搏mai4 bo2pulse (both medical and figurative)
起搏器起搏器qi3 bo2 qi4artificial pacemaker



2021-05-31, 369👍, 0💬