
强 [Qiang2 jiang4 qiang2 qiang3]


汉字:强 / 拼音:Qiang2 jiang4 qiang2 qiang3

qiáng surname Qiang
jiàng stubborn/ unyielding
qiáng strong/ powerful/ better/ slightly more than/ vigorous/ violent/ best in their category, e.g. see 百強|百强[bai3 qiang2]
qiǎng to force/ to compel/ to strive/ to make an effort


不畏强暴不畏強暴bu4 wei4 qiang2 bao4not to submit to force (idiom); to defy threats and violence
不畏强权不畏強權bu4 wei4 qiang2 quan2not to submit to force (idiom); to defy threats and violence
世界强国世界強國shi4 jie4 qiang2 guo2world power
以弱胜强以弱勝強yi3 ruo4 sheng4 qiang2using the weak to defeat the strong (idiom); to win from a position of weakness
以强凌弱以強凌弱yi3 qiang2 ling2 ruo4to use one's strength to bully the weak (idiom)
倔强倔強jue2 jiang4stubborn/ obstinate/ unbending
先下手为强先下手為強xian1 xia4 shou3 wei2 qiang2strike first and gain the upper hand (idiom, martial arts term); Making the first move is an advantage.
光头强光頭強Guang1 tou2 qiang2Logger Vick (Boonie Bears character)/ nickname for bald people
八强八強ba1 qiang2(sports) top eight/ quarterfinals
八强赛八強賽ba1 qiang2 sai4quarterfinals
兵强马壮兵強馬壯bing1 qiang2 ma3 zhuang4lit. strong soldiers and sturdy horses (idiom)/ fig. a well-trained and powerful army
列强列強lie4 qiang2the Great Powers (history)
刚强剛強gang1 qiang2firm/ unyielding
加强加強jia1 qiang2to reinforce/ to strengthen/ to increase
加强管制加強管制jia1 qiang2 guan3 zhi4to tighten control (over sth)
勉勉强强勉勉強強mian3 mian3 qiang3 qiang3to achieve with difficulty/ only just up to the task/ barely adequate
勉强勉強mian3 qiang3to do with difficulty/ to force sb to do sth/ reluctant/ barely enough
博闻强记博聞強記bo2 wen2 qiang2 ji4have wide learning and a retentive memory/ have encyclopedic knowledge
博闻强识博聞強識bo2 wen2 qiang2 shi2erudite/ widely read and knowledgeable
吉强镇吉強鎮Ji2 qiang2 zhen4Jiqiang town in Xiji county 西吉[Xi1 ji2], Guyuan 固原[Gu4 yuan2], Ningxia
四强四強si4 qiang2the top four
四强赛四強賽si4 qiang2 sai4semifinals
国富兵强國富兵強guo2 fu4 bing1 qiang2prosperous country with military might
坚强堅強jian1 qiang2staunch/ strong
坚强不屈堅強不屈jian1 qiang2 bu4 qu1staunch and unyielding (idiom); steadfast
增强增強zeng1 qiang2to increase/ to strengthen
压力强度壓力強度ya1 li4 qiang2 du4pressure (as measured)
压强壓強ya1 qiang2pressure (physics)
外强中干外強中乾wai4 qiang2 zhong1 gan1strong in appearance but weak in reality (idiom)
大型强子对撞机大型強子對撞機Da4 xing2 Qiang2 zi3 Dui4 zhuang4 Ji1Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland




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