
寓 [yu4]


汉字:寓 / 拼音:yu4

to reside/ to imply/ to contain/ residence


公寓公寓gong1 yu4apartment building/ block of flats/ CL:套[tao4]
公寓大楼公寓大樓gong1 yu4 da4 lou2apartment building
公寓楼公寓樓gong1 yu4 lou2apartment building/ CL:座[zuo4]
yu4to reside/ to imply/ to contain/ residence
寓居寓居yu4 ju1to make one's home in/ to reside in/ to inhabit
寓意寓意yu4 yi4moral (of a story)/ lesson to be learned/ implication/ message/ import/ metaphorical meaning
寓意深远寓意深遠yu4 yi4 shen1 yuan3the implied message is deep (idiom); having deep implications
寓意深长寓意深長yu4 yi4 shen1 chang2to have profound import (idiom); to be deeply significant
寓所寓所yu4 suo3dwelling
寓教于乐寓教於樂yu4 jiao4 yu2 le4to make learning fun/ to combine education and entertainment
寓目寓目yu4 mu4(literary) to look over/ to view
寓管理于服务之中寓管理于服務之中yu4 guan3 li3 Yu2 fu2 wu4 zhi1 zhong1integrated services management
寓言寓言yu4 yan2fable/ CL:則|则[ze2]
yu4variant of 寓[yu4]



2021-05-04, 384👍, 0💬