
填 [tian2]


汉字:填 / 拼音:tian2

tián to fill or stuff/ (of a form etc) to fill in


代填代填dai4 tian2to fill in a form for sb else
充填充填chong1 tian2to fill (gap, hole, area, blank)/ to pad out/ to complement/ (dental) filling/ filled
充填因数充填因數chong1 tian2 yin1 shu4complementary factor
充填物充填物chong1 tian2 wu4filling material/ stuffing/ lining/ filling
回填回填hui2 tian2to backfill
tian2to fill or stuff/ (of a form etc) to fill in
填充填充tian2 chong1pad/ padding
填充剂填充劑tian2 chong1 ji4bulking agent
填地填地tian2 di4landfill
填堵填堵tian2 du3to stuff/ to cram into
填塞填塞tian2 se4to fill up/ to cram/ to stuff
填塞物填塞物tian2 se4 wu4stuffing/ filling material
填字游戏填字遊戲tian2 zi4 you2 xi4crossword
填密填密tian2 mi4packing/ packaging
填写填寫tian2 xie3to fill in a form/ to write data in a box (on a questionnaire or web form)
填房填房tian2 fang2second wife (of a widower)
填料填料tian2 liao4packing material
填海填海tian2 hai3land reclamation
填满填滿tian2 man3to cram
填空填空tian2 kong4to fill a job vacancy/ to fill in a blank (e.g. on questionnaire or exam paper)
填表填表tian2 biao3fill a form
填补填補tian2 bu3to fill a gap/ to fill in a blank (on a form)/ to overcome a deficiency
填词填詞tian2 ci2to compose a poem (to a given tune)
填饱填飽tian2 bao3to feed to the full/ to cram
填鸭填鴨tian2 ya1to force-feed ducks/ (cooking) stuffed duck
填鸭式填鴨式tian2 ya1 shi4force feeding (as a teaching method)
完型填空完型填空wan2 xing2 tian2 kong4cloze (pedagogy)
完形填空完形填空wan2 xing2 tian2 kong4cloze (pedagogy)
恨海难填恨海難填hen4 hai3 nan2 tian2sea of hatred is hard to fill (idiom); irreconcilable division
欲壑难填慾壑難填yu4 he4 nan2 tian2bottomless pit of desire (idiom); insatiable greed/ carnal cravings are never satisfied and are a main obstruction on the path to enlightenment




2021-05-08, 385👍, 0💬