
場 [chang2 chang3]


汉字:場 / 拼音:chang2 chang3

cháng threshing floor/ classifier for events and happenings: spell, episode, bout
chǎng large place used for a specific purpose/ stage/ scene (of a play)/ classifier for sporting or recreational activities/ classifier for number of exams


一场空一場空yi1 chang2 kong1all one's hopes and efforts come to nothing/ futile
上场上場shang4 chang3on stage/ to go on stage/ to take the field
上海体育场上海體育場Shang4 hai3 Ti3 yu4 chang3Shanghai Stadium
下场下場xia4 chang3to leave (the stage, an exam room, the playing field etc)/ to take part in some activity/ to take an examination (in the imperial examination system)
下场下場xia4 chang5the end/ to conclude
下场门下場門xia4 chang3 men2exit door (of the stage)
中场中場zhong1 chang3middle period of a tripartite provincial exam (in former times)/ midfield/ mid-court (in sports)/ half-time/ intermission half-way through a performance
中途退场中途退場zhong1 tu2 tui4 chang3to leave in the middle of the play/ (fig.) to leave before the matter is concluded
主场主場zhu3 chang3home ground (sports)/ home field/ main venue/ main stadium
五角场五角場Wu3 jiao3 chang3Wujiaochang neighborhood of Shanghai, adjacent to Fudan University
交易市场交易市場jiao1 yi4 shi4 chang3exchange/ trading floor
人民广场人民廣場Ren2 min2 Guang3 chang3People's Square, Shanghai
伐木场伐木場fa2 mu4 chang3a logging area
候场候場hou4 chang3(of an actor, athlete etc) to prepare to make one's entrance/ to wait in the wings
停车场停車場ting2 che1 chang3parking lot/ car park
入场入場ru4 chang3to enter the venue for a meeting/ to enter into an examination/ to enter a stadium, arena etc
入场券入場券ru4 chang3 quan4admission ticket
入场式入場式ru4 chang3 shi4ceremonial entry/ opening procession
入场费入場費ru4 chang3 fei4admission fee
内场內場nei4 chang3inner area (of a place that has an outer area)/ the kitchen of a restaurant (as opposed to the dining area)/ infield (baseball etc)/ (Chinese opera) the area behind the table on the stage
全场全場quan2 chang3everyone present/ the whole audience/ across-the-board/ unanimously/ whole duration (of a competition or match)
全场一致全場一致quan2 chang3 yi1 zhi4unanimous
冰场冰場bing1 chang3skating or ice rink/ ice stadium/ ice arena
冰球场冰球場bing1 qiu2 chang3ice hockey rink
冷场冷場leng3 chang3stage wait/ (fig.) awkward silence
出场出場chu1 chang3(of a performer) to come onto the stage to perform/ (of an athlete) to enter the arena to compete/ (fig.) to enter the scene (e.g. a new product)/ (of an examinee etc) to leave the venue
出场费出場費chu1 chang3 fei4appearance fee
分会场分會場fen1 hui4 chang3sub-venues
刑场刑場xing2 chang3execution ground/ gallows/ scaffold
到场到場dao4 chang3to show up/ present (at the scene)




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