
北 [bei3]


汉字:北 / 拼音:bei3

běi north/ (classical) to be defeated


一个天南,一个地北一個天南,一個地北yi1 ge5 tian1 nan2 , yi1 ge5 di4 bei3to live miles apart (idiom)
三北三北San1 bei3China's three northern regions, 東北|东北[Dong1 bei3], 華北|华北[Hua2 bei3] and 西北[Xi1 bei3]
三北防护林三北防護林San1 bei3 Fang2 hu4 lin2Green Wall of China, a massive afforestation program on the eastern margin of the Gobi Desert aimed at stopping the desert's expansion, started in 1978 and planned to be completed by 2050
丘北丘北Qiu1 bei3Qiubei county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture 文山壯族苗族自治州|文山壮族苗族自治州[Wen2 shan1 Zhuang4 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan
丘北县丘北縣Qiu1 bei3 xian4Qiubei county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture 文山壯族苗族自治州|文山壮族苗族自治州[Wen2 shan1 Zhuang4 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan
中俄北京条约中俄北京條約Zhong1 E2 Bei3 jing1 Tiao2 yue1the Treaty of Beijing of 1860 between Qing China and Tsarist Russia
中北大学中北大學Zhong1 bei3 Da4 xue2North University of China (Shanxi)
中北部中北部zhong1 bei3 bu4north central area
中国北方工业公司中國北方工業公司Zhong1 guo2 Bei3 fang1 Gong1 ye4 Gong1 si1China North Industries Corporation (Norinco)
中国西北边陲中國西北邊陲Zhong1 guo2 xi1 bei3 bian1 chui2border area of northwest China (i.e. Xinjiang)
中华台北中華臺北Zhong1 hua2 Tai2 bei3Chinese Taipei, name for Taiwan to which the PRC and Taiwan agreed for the purpose of participation in international events
以北以北yi3 bei3to the north of (suffix)
全罗北道全羅北道Quan2 luo2 bei3 dao4North Jeolla Province, in west South Korea, capital Jeonju 全州[Quan2 zhou1]
bei3north/ (classical) to be defeated
北上北上bei3 shang4to go up north
北上广北上廣Bei3 Shang4 Guang3Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou/ abbr. for 北京、上海、廣州|北京、上海、广州
北上广深北上廣深Bei3 Shang4 Guang3 Shen1Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen/ abbr. for 北京、上海、廣州、深圳|北京、上海、广州、深圳
北二外北二外Bei3 Er4 wai4abbr. for 北京第二外國語學院|北京第二外国语学院[Bei3 jing1 Di4 er4 Wai4 guo2 yu3 Xue2 yuan4]
北亚北亞Bei3 Ya4North Asia
北京北京Bei3 jing1Beijing, capital of People's Republic of China/ Peking/ PRC government
北京中医药大学北京中醫藥大學Bei3 jing1 Zhong1 yi1 yao4 Da4 xue2Beijing University of Chinese Medicine
北京人北京人Bei3 jing1 ren2Beijing resident/ Peking ape-man, Homo erectus pekinensis (c. 600,000 BC), discovered in 1921 at Zhoukoudian 周口店[Zhou1 kou3 dian4], Beijing
北京南苑机场北京南苑機場Bei3 jing1 Nan2 yuan4 Ji1 chang3Beijing Nanyuan Airport, military air base and secondary civil airport of Beijing
北京周报北京周報Bei3 jing1 Zhou1 bao4Beijing Review/ also written 北京週報|北京周报
北京咳北京咳Bei3 jing1 ke2"Beijing cough", respiratory problems caused by dry and polluted Beijing air, typically experienced by non-acclimated foreigners who would otherwise have no such problems
北京国家游泳中心北京國家游泳中心Bei3 jing1 Guo2 jia1 You2 yong3 Zhong1 xin1Beijing National Aquatics Center, swimming venue of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
北京国家体育场北京國家體育場Bei3 jing1 Guo2 jia1 Ti3 yu4 chang3Beijing National Stadium
北京外国语大学北京外國語大學Bei3 jing1 Wai4 guo2 yu3 Da4 xue2Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU)
北京大学北京大學Bei3 jing1 Da4 xue2Peking University
北京大兴国际机场北京大興國際機場Bei3 jing1 Da4 xing1 Guo2 ji4 Ji1 chang3Beijing Daxing International Airport (PKX)




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