
務 [wu4]


汉字:務 / 拼音:wu4

affair/ business/ matter/ to be engaged in/ to attend to/ by all means


一条龙服务一條龍服務yi1 tiao2 long2 fu2 wu4one-stop service
上海商务印书馆上海商務印書館Shang4 hai3 Shang1 wu4 yin4 shu1 guan3Commercial Press, Shanghai (from 1897)
不务正业不務正業bu4 wu4 zheng4 ye4not to engage in honest work/ to ignore one's proper occupation/ not to attend to one's proper duties
不急之务不急之務bu4 ji2 zhi1 wu4a matter of no great urgency
不识时务不識時務bu4 shi2 shi2 wu4to show no understanding of the times (idiom); cannot adapt to current circumstances/ not amenable to reason
世务世務shi4 wu4worldly affairs
乘务乘務cheng2 wu4service (on a train, a plane etc)
乘务员乘務員cheng2 wu4 yuan2attendant on an airplane, train, boat etc
事务事務shi4 wu4(political, economic etc) affairs/ work/ transaction (as in a computer database)
事务律师事務律師shi4 wu4 lu:4 shi1solicitor (law)
事务所事務所shi4 wu4 suo3office/ firm
事务繁忙事務繁忙shi4 wu4 fan2 mang2busy/ bustling
任务任務ren4 wu5mission/ assignment/ task/ duty/ role/ CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4]
任务栏任務欄ren4 wu5 lan2taskbar (computing)
仿真服务器仿真服務器fang3 zhen1 fu2 wu4 qi4emulation server
传输服务傳輸服務chuan2 shu1 fu2 wu4transport service
传送服务傳送服務chuan2 song4 fu2 wu4delivery service
债务債務zhai4 wu4debt/ liability/ amount due/ indebtedness
债务人債務人zhai4 wu4 ren2debtor
债务担保证券債務擔保證券zhai4 wu4 dan1 bao3 zheng4 quan4collateralized debt obligation (CDO), type of bond
债务证券債務證券zhai4 wu4 zheng4 quan4debt security/ collateralized debt obligation (CDO), type of bond
债务证书債務證書zhai4 wu4 zheng4 shu1debt instrument
侨务僑務qiao2 wu4matters relating to the Chinese diaspora (as a concern of the Chinese government)
侨务委员会僑務委員會Qiao2 wu4 Wei3 yuan2 hui4Overseas Chinese Affairs Council, Taiwan
免去职务免去職務mian3 qu4 zhi2 wu4to relieve from office/ to sack
内务內務nei4 wu4internal affairs/ domestic affairs/ family affairs/ (trad.) affairs within the palace
内务府內務府Nei4 wu4 fu3Imperial Household Department (in Qing dynasty)
内务部內務部Nei4 wu4 bu4Ministry of Internal Affairs
内部事务內部事務nei4 bu4 shi4 wu4internal affairs
全国人民代表大会常务委员会全國人民代表大會常務委員會Quan2 guo2 Ren2 min2 Dai4 biao3 Da4 hui4 Chang2 wu4 Wei3 yuan2 hui4Standing Committee of the National People's Congress




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