
入 [ru4]


汉字:入 / 拼音:ru4

to enter/ to go into/ to join/ to become a member of/ to confirm or agree with/ abbr. for 入聲|入声[ru4 sheng1]


一拥而入一擁而入yi1 yong1 er2 ru4to swarm in (of people etc) (idiom)
一击入洞一擊入洞yi1 ji1 ru4 dong4hole in one (golf)
上天入地上天入地shang4 tian1 ru4 di4lit. to go up to heaven or down to Hades (idiom)/ fig. to go to great lengths/ to search heaven and earth
上天无路,入地无门上天無路,入地無門shang4 tian1 wu2 lu4 , ru4 di4 wu2 men2lit. there is no road to the sky, nor door into the earth (idiom)/ fig. to be at the end of one's rope/ to be trapped in a hopeless situation
不入时宜不入時宜bu4 ru4 shi2 yi2out of step with current thinking/ outmoded/ inappropriate for the occasion
不入虎穴,焉得虎子不入虎穴,焉得虎子bu4 ru4 hu3 xue2 , yan1 de2 hu3 zi3How do you catch the tiger cub without entering the tiger's lair? (idiom); Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
不堪入目不堪入目bu4 kan1 ru4 mu4unbearable to look at/ an eyesore
不得其门而入不得其門而入bu4 de2 qi2 men2 er2 ru4to be unable to get in/ to fail to find a proper approach to handling sth
并入並入bing4 ru4to merge into/ to incorporate in
乘虚而入乘虛而入cheng2 xu1 er2 ru4to enter by exploiting a weak spot (idiom); to take advantage of a lapse
五笔输入法五筆輸入法wu3 bi3 shu1 ru4 fa3five stroke input method for Chinese characters by numbered strokes, invented by Wang Yongmin 王永民 in 1983
介入介入jie4 ru4to intervene/ to get involved
代入代入dai4 ru4to substitute into
低收入低收入di1 shou1 ru4low income
并入併入bing4 ru4to merge into/ to incorporate in
侵入侵入qin1 ru4to make (military) incursions/ to invade/ to intrude into/ to trespass/ to gain unauthorized access (computing)
侵入家宅者侵入家宅者qin1 ru4 jia1 zhai2 zhe3housebreaker/ burglar
侵入岩侵入岩qin1 ru4 yan2intrusive rock
侵入性侵入性qin1 ru4 xing4invasive (e.g. disease or procedure)
侵入者侵入者qin1 ru4 zhe3intruder/ invader
借入方借入方jie4 ru4 fang1borrower/ debit side (of a balance sheet)
传入傳入chuan2 ru4to import/ transmitted inwards/ afferent
传入神经傳入神經chuan2 ru4 shen2 jing1afferent nerve (transmitting in to the brain)/ afferent neuron
先入为主先入為主xian1 ru4 wei2 zhu3the first impression is the strongest/ to hold a preconceived notion (about sth)
ru4to enter/ to go into/ to join/ to become a member of/ to confirm or agree with/ abbr. for 入聲|入声[ru4 sheng1]
入不敷出入不敷出ru4 bu4 fu1 chu1income does not cover expenditure/ unable to make ends meet
入世入世ru4 shi4to engage with secular society/ to involve oneself in human affairs/ to join the WTO (abbr. for 加入世界貿易組織|加入世界贸易组织[jia1 ru4 Shi4 jie4 Mao4 yi4 Zu3 zhi1])
入伍入伍ru4 wu3to enter the army/ to enlist
入伍生入伍生ru4 wu3 sheng1newly enlisted officer student/ cadet
入伙入伙ru4 huo3to join a group/ to become a member




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