
儒 [ru2]


汉字:儒 / 拼音:ru2

scholar/ Confucian


侏儒侏儒zhu1 ru2dwarf/ pygmy/ small person/ midget
侏儒仓鼠侏儒倉鼠zhu1 ru2 cang1 shu3dwarf hamster
侏儒症侏儒症zhu1 ru2 zheng4pituitary dwarfism
ru2scholar/ Confucian
儒勒·凡尔纳儒勒·凡爾納Ru2 le4 · Fan2 er3 na4Jules Verne (1828-1905), French novelist specializing in science fiction and adventure stories
儒士儒士Ru2 shi4a Confucian scholar
儒学儒學Ru2 xue2Confucianism
儒家儒家Ru2 jia1Confucian school, founded by Confucius 孔子[Kong3 zi3] (551-479 BC) and Mencius 孟子[Meng4 zi3] (c. 372-c. 289 BC)
儒家思想儒家思想Ru2 jia1 si1 xiang3Confucian thoughts/ the thinking of the Confucian school
儒教儒教Ru2 jiao4Confucianism
儒林外史儒林外史Ru2 lin2 Wai4 shi3The Scholars, Qing dynasty novel by Wu Jingzi 吳敬梓|吴敬梓[Wu2 Jing4 zi3], an extended satire on the Imperial Examination system
儒生儒生ru2 sheng1Confucian scholar (old)
儒略日儒略日Ru2 lu:e4 ri4Julian day (astronomy)
儒者儒者Ru2 zhe3Confucian
儒艮儒艮ru2 gen4dugong
儒雅儒雅ru2 ya3scholarly/ refined/ cultured/ courteous
坎贝尔侏儒仓鼠坎貝爾侏儒倉鼠Kan3 bei4 er3 zhu1 ru2 cang1 shu3Campbell's dwarf hamster (Phodopus campbelli)
宏儒宏儒hong2 ru2learned scholar
宿儒宿儒su4 ru2experienced scholar/ old expert in the field
新儒家新儒家Xin1 Ru2 jia1New Confucianism, a social and political movement founded in 1920s China that combines aspects of Western and Eastern philosophy/ see also 當代新儒家|当代新儒家[Dang1 dai4 Xin1 Ru2 jia1]
李英儒李英儒Li3 Ying1 ru2Li Yingru (1913-1989), calligrapher and writer, author of many novels about the war as seen by the communists
泰西大儒泰西大儒Tai4 xi1 da4 ru2Great European Scholar (honorific title of Matteo Ricci)
焚书坑儒焚書坑儒fen2 shu1 keng1 ru2to burn the Confucian classics and bury alive the Confucian scholars (acts supposedly committed by the first emperor 秦始皇[Qin2 Shi3 huang2])
犬儒犬儒quan3 ru2cynic
犬儒主义犬儒主義quan3 ru2 zhu3 yi4cynicism
独尊儒术獨尊儒術du2 zun1 ru2 shu4dismiss the hundred schools, revere only the Confucians (slogan of the Former Han dynasty)
现代新儒家現代新儒家Xian4 dai4 Xin1 Ru2 jia1Modern New Confucianism/ see also 新儒家[Xin1 Ru2 jia1]
当代新儒家當代新儒家Dang1 dai4 Xin1 Ru2 jia1Contemporary New Confucianism/ see 新儒家[Xin1 Ru2 jia1]
罢黜百家,独尊儒术罷黜百家,獨尊儒術ba4 chu4 bai3 jia1 , du2 zun1 ru2 shu4Dismiss the hundred schools, revere only the Confucian (idiom)/ sole dominant ideology
迂儒迂儒yu1 ru2unrealistic/ pedantic and impractical



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